VMware Cloud Community

No LAN access with VM exported from WS

I've several VMs in WS8 and with VMWare converter I copied these in a VSphere Hypervisor 5.5 U2.

In the converter I have maintained the same options as the original VM.

I've changed only the disks (from Thick to Thin) and I've installed the VM Tools.

Now when I start a VM in the server it's isolated; a ping to my router returns only errors.

Furthermore, if I copy with the converter a Bitnami VM stack, then in the linux config there are no "eth" devices.

Instead, If I install the VM directly in the ESXi server all is OK.

In the settings of the converted VMs there is a NIC "flexible".

What is wrong?

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2 Replies

Maybe the converted VM recognize the network virtual adapter as new and the old one with IP address settings now is a ghost adapter.

Try removing all network virtual adapter, remove the ghost adapter from device manager (if Windows) and add a new network virtual adapter and configure the TCP/IP settings again.

Here is a KB showing how to remove ghost adapter: VMware KB: Networking Error: IP address already assigned to another adapter


Richardson Porto
Senior Infrastructure Specialist
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/richardsonporto


I've also deleted the virtual "flexible" NIC and then installed a VMXNET3 with a static IP, but I stll have no access to LAN.

===== Update =====

I've delete VM NIC and uninstalled VMTools

Then Installed new NIC a new install of VM Tools.

Then it's work.