VMware Cloud Community

How to reset IP / hostname info in vMA appliance?

A while ago, this question was asked and answered (http://communities.vmware.com/message/1020415) for VIMA, but the answer no longer seems to work.

If you've assigned the wrong IP, or need to change the hostname, it would be great to restart the initial wizard.

It used to be that you could run:

sudo /usr/bin/system-config-network

But this no longer exists. Any idea what it is now?

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2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

You can always manually reconfigure your networking information (no need for GUI), take a look at this tutorial for the steps: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rhel-centos-fedoracore-linux-network-card-configuration/

You might be able to use system-config-network-tui but I'm not sure if that exists on vMA, I don't have access to a vMA system to verify. Though I think it's much faster to just manually configure it and step #3 provides you the instructions


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009

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You have most likely found out by now but as I had to do this yesterday someone may find this useful.

In vMA 4.1 run the command:

cd to /opt/vmware/vma/bin

sudo ./vmware-vma-netconf.pl

This will re run the initial setup script for your appliance

This is a symbolic link to a sub directory firstboot which contains a number of scripts including the above script.

I hope this helps

Nathan VCP
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