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SDK calls slow to unresponsive after Event watch setup


This behavior is only present when this code is run remotely. When run on the vCenter server itself, there is no delay. And there is no known network delay b/w the remote machine and vCenter. In fact, API calls that are run from the remote machine, when event monitoring is not running, are returned very quickly.

After I setup an asynchronous collection of vCenter events, I have noticed that calls from other threads have extremely slow to no response from vCenter. Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I run my WaitForUpdates() and sit back waiting for new events to come in. And if they occur, they do without delay. But, if I try to invoke other API calls on other threads, the response time from vCenter is slow enough to be considered unresponsive (almost - it takes minutes to respond). I have tried this code against 2 versions of vCenter (2.5 U2 and 4.1 U1), both giving the same result. For what it is worth, my event "watcher" is set to monitor any event generated. Thinking that might be my problem, I reduced it to only monitor a single VM's events. On which, no events are ever generated. Same results? Help?

- Mike

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