VMware {code} Community

VM Console Access via Third Party Software

How can I get access to the VM Console from software that I am writing? The VI SDK doesn't seem to cover this (unless I missed somthing). I know that a graphics console will need to be delt with one way or another too since most guest OSes go into graphics mode. Has anyone done this before? I am interested in doing this on an ESX Server V3 or if I need to go thru Virtual Center I can do that too.


(Stephen L. De Rudder)

SLDR (Stephen L. De Rudder)
Tags (4)
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6 Replies

Were you able to find the solution? as we are also stucked at the same problem....please reply us..Thanks in advance

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To open a remote console connection to a virtual machine, you can use Vmware Mks plugin. However, please note that this is not a stable or supported interface at this point and is subject to change in upcoming releases.

You can refer to the attachment for more details on how to open a console to VM using MKS plugin.

Other threads that might of help to you:




Hope this information is helpful.

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thanks njain for your reply,

i had gone through those threads but my problem is that i want create a VC++/VB/.Net app/code where i would be able to connect to vm console. Present condition is that we are able to connect with mks.connect(string host, int port, string vmpath, string uname,string password) but it doesnt show anything. when implemented in html it show a black screen and nothing else. Could just explain me all steps to create the console.

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The possible reason for this might be the absence of the ActiveX Control that is used by the MKS Client. To ensure that the ActiveX Control has been installed, unpack the files in vmware-mks.cab, right click the quickmksax.inf and choose install. Once the installation is complete, go to C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\PLUGINS and verify that the following files are available:

a. libeay32.dll

b. msvcr71.dll

c. nppdf32.dll

d. quickMksAx.dll

e. ssleay32.dll

f. vmware-remotemks.exe

Once you have verified that the files are present, register the quickMksAx.dll. Once all these steps are completed successfully, you can use the HTML code to test the connection to the VM.

Hope this will resolve your issues.

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thanks njain for your response actually i was giving wrong clsid for the object tag then that of the vmware-mks.cab file. now it is running in html page. This resolves our problem. Can you tell how to embedd the html code/page in either Java or VC++ so we can invoke the console from the application ?

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As a beginner, I don't know how to start.

I want to refer to a reference document, but there are to many docs in http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/sdk_pubs.html.

Can you help me to pick one that is easy to begin, or tell me whick section to read?

Besides, it is very helpful of your attachements.

But I still don't know the real data of "new Querystring()" in mkswinIE.txt, then I don't know why it is still black in my web browser after editing your sample.

Can you give me a real sample? Thanks a lot.

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