VMware {code} Community

Group lookup for users configured in AD fails in VIJAVA

I modified a sample program in VIJAVA SDK to retreive user group for a VCenter server configured with  Active directory.

   UserSearchResult[] usrs = ud.retrieveUserGroups(
          args[3], // only local machine is searched          "", // blank means matching all          null, args[4], // all the groups          false, //not exact match for the search          false, // include users          true // include groups          );

    // print out the results    for(int i=0; usrs!=null && i < usrs.length; i++)
      System.out.println("Full name: " + usrs[i].getFullName());
      System.out.println("IsGroup:" + usrs[i].isGroup());
      System.out.println("Principal: " + usrs[i].getPrincipal());


The program successfully retrieves the group name for a local user created in VCenter.

When I run the same program for user configured in Active Directory, I am unable to lookup the AD group it belong . I am not suspecting a VI JAVA issue because it works perfectly fine with VCenter local user/group.

Logging using the AD user/password work fine. only lookup fails.

Is there any additional privleges/configuration  I need to add for VCenter Administrator for looking up AD group  in VCenter ?  OR any pointers on what log files i need to check ?

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