VMware Cloud Community

VM cant power on error!!! after Data Migration!

Hello everyone,

I first want to thank everyone beforehand for helping out in the past with other issues.  You've all been great!

Now i need assistance more than ever.  This is a tough one and it is critical that i get this resolved.

Vcenter Server 4.1

Vsphere 4.1

ESX 4.1

Cluster= 2 hosts

All VM data resides on a an NFS Datastore

Here is what happend in detail:

I removed/unregistered a VM from the inventory and went to where the VM folder was located in the NFS data store.

I clicked on the folder and selected the "move the folder and its contents to another datastore accessible to Vcenter" so i selected a LUN that was presented to both Hosts

So it started to do its thing.  ALl of the sudden, we have network outage that only affected the The Host that the VM resided on.  I lost complete connectivity to the Host! i got a ton of errors of lost connectivity to host and datastore!  i was freaking out!.

So i closed all the errors and stopped everything and after a couple of moments, i regained all connectivity to my host and everything was back to normal.

I dont know what happened to the network, and my network engineer is currently not available.  So, im affraid i lost some data on that VM because i was Moving the data instead of copying.  Anyway i vmotioned  all VM's over to my other host in the cluster (the one that did not disconnect during the network outage).  Then i attempted to Copy the data this time from the NFS datastore to the LUN and it completed successfully.

I register/add to inventory the VM and power it on.

I get this error when the process reaches 95%

VM Power On Error.png

This is after choosing "I copied it" , and "I moved it" when the prompt comes up

Im thinking that i lost the data to the snapshot its referring to and thats why this is hapening but im hoping that there is away to somehow get this VM to power on succesfully and then i can deal with the data loss afterwards


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6 Replies

The vmware.log file in the VM's folder should contain details about this error. If you have trouble finding the cause of the issue, please post (attach) this file to your next post.


PS: Why did you gray out the text in the error message? It's visible in the header anyway? Smiley Wink

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Also take a look at the kb article dealing with your mentioned error:


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how do i delete this screenshot from this thread!!!!!?

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fixed the screenshot

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Okay i was able to restore a snapshot of the NFS volume that my netapp made about 2 hours ago, and its back up and running again.

Thank you Netapp!

Whew! that was close

thanks for all the help though.

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developed a workaround to the main issue

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