VMware Cloud Community

Agent Pre-upgrade Check

I'm trying to install vCenter 4.1 onto a fresh install of Server 2008 x64. When the Agent PreUpdate Check is run, Windows comes up with a message that says "AgentUpgradeChecker has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close program. " There's no errors in the event viewer and don't want to go forward with the install if the check doesn't work. This is a fresh install and only has A/Vand backup software installed. ANyone have an idea why this won't run? .Net 3.5 is installed and updated.

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8 Replies

One of the possible problem is described here vCenter Agent Preupgrade Check tool throws .NET Runtime 2.0 Error

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Does vCenter need .Net 2.0 or can it use 3.5?

This is whats in the log:

2010-09-28 16:35:28.877 Error reading values from the registry System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at PreAgentUpgradeChecker.Utils.RegUtil.RegOps.RegUtil_GetKeyValueData(RegistryKey hKey, String subKey, String keyValueName, Object& keyValueData)

2010-09-28 16:35:28.892 Error enumerating value names from registry System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at PreAgentUpgradeChecker.Utils.RegUtil.RegOps.RegUtil_GetKeyValueNames(RegistryKey hkey, String subKey, Object[]& keyList)

2010-09-28 16:35:28.892 Error reading System DSN from registry

2010-09-28 16:35:28.892 A fatal unhandled error occured in vi upgrade prechecker

2010-09-28 16:35:28.908 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at PreAgentUpgradeChecker.vCenterInfo.QueryVCSupportedODBCDsn(ArrayList& vcSupportedDsnList, String& statusMessage)

at PreAgentUpgradeChecker.Wz.DBConnectionPage.PopulateDsn()

at PreAgentUpgradeChecker.Wz.DBConnectionPage..ctor()

at PreAgentUpgradeChecker.PrecheckController..ctor(CommandLine commandLine)

at PreAgentUpgradeChecker.Program.Main(String[] args)

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Does vCenter need .Net 2.0 or can it use 3.5?

You need to have .NET 2.0 or higher.

Error message from your log (" Error reading System DSN from registry") shows that you need check System DSN. Take a look at vCenter Agent Pre-upgrade Check tool fails with a .NET Runtime 2.0 Error for details of check System DSN

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.NET 3.5 is installed so that's not the problem.

Support said if there's no previous instance of vCenter then that error will spit out and the program won't run. Seems counter intuitive to me as the update checker should still run without vCenter but I digress.

I'll just go ahead and install it and see what happens.

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It's really Pre- upgrade Check, if you don't have an object for updating, the agent will not work.

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All, running a 64 bit server I was having the same problems listed in the original post. I noticed during some other looking around that when launching ODBC from Control Panel, System DSN was blank...however, when launching odbc via %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64\Odbcad32.exe the SYSTEM DSN was present.

Hmmm, but my agent check wouldn't launch.

So, on a whim I added a SYSTEM DSN to the ODBC launched from the Control Panel with the same settings as the 64 bit one from command line, launched the agent check and voila. It worked.

Hope it helps someone.

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Thanks!  This fixed my issue.  After adding it to teh 32-bit DSN, the 64-bit one showed up.

Did you just leave the 32-bit DSN in there when you did the upgrade?  Or did you remove it after running the upgrade checker?  Thanks!

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This also fixed my problem.  Kudos!

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