VMware Cloud Community

Cannot Remove Hosts with VMs on it


Environment >

IBM Hardware X3690X5

SVC-VSP Storage

ESXi5.1u1 Source

ESXi5.5u1 Target

VCenter 5.1 U1 Source

VCenter 5.5 U1 Target

External applications hooking into VCenters are ESM Spectrum NEtbackup and vCOPS.

Guys we use a proven upgrade path where we Disconnect a PROD ESXi host from VCenter 5.1u1 , with its VMs on it , then Remove and it .

Then we add this host to VCenter 5.5u1 and accept the warming that it is being managed by another VCenter . Then use vMotion to upgrade the host while it is in VCenter 5.5 .

This works great for us . However , on our main production VCenter ( 5.1u1 ) we can General error occurred when removing the Host .

Screenshot attached of the Event .


KB articles above suggests you have to Enable Lockdown mode , and that will resolve your issue , this is not Working for us , when set using SSH .

I confirmed in VCenter 5.1 GUI that lockdown is indeed working

VCenter vpxd does not show much , only that there are SOAP queries being made against this host >

See Evict1.jpg attached . Evict1.JPG

Vmkernel log and HostD did no show me anything that looks like its related.

Any Ideas ?

I must mention that we have done all our DEV / TEST / DR datacentres successfully already using this method , using same versions of everything.

There is something unique to this VCenter and its hosts .

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Ahhhh , I think I found the solution in a play host in this vCenter ,

you MUST enable Lockdown using the DCUI , not SSH or vCenter Gui .

Will test further and confirm  .