VMware Cloud Community

Query on Update Manager database size

Second time lucky I hope - I created a document rather than a discussion the first time around Smiley Happy

The background to my query is that we are planning to upgrade our 3.5 Update 5 environment to VSphere 4. We currently do NOT use Update Manager. Our backend VC database is stored on an Oracle RAC cluster.

When we do upgrade we plan to implement Update Manager v4 and use a separate Oracle database. We plan to use UM for ESX/ESXI upgrades and patches and VMtools & hardware upgrades for VMs.

Now I've read through a few historical posts that suggest that the UM database is used only for storing info about the deployed patches and baselines, rather than the patches themselves and is therefore "very small"

However I've downloaded VMware's UM sizing estimator and plugged in figures for our test lab environment:

No VM remediation

2 ESX 4.0 hosts

20 VMs in total

All other parameters at minimum values.

The sizer is suggesting an initial DB size of 150Mb and median growth of 60Mb per month . Seems quite large for such a small environment.

So my questions are:

Are the above typical of Update Manager database sizes?

Is there any way of pruning the Update Manager database or is it meant to grow indefinitely? I've found no information on this aspect so far.

Any clarification on this would be much appreciated.

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