VMware Cloud Community

Unable to connect to VC or Hosts (version 4 and higher) using VI client


    after weeks and weeks of searching a solution, I am giving a try here.

If someone has a solution for me I would be very happy to give points... and my respect... lol

here is the issue:

- Connecting to ESXi 4.1 update 2 or VC 4 is not working... giving the following connection error..

The request failed because of a connection failure. (Unable to connect to the remote server)

Here is what I done so far:

- Had webex session with VMware support, and they finally told me that it should be a network issue (port blocked or timeout)

- Had support session with our network team, and they monitor and they say that no traffic is blocked and telnet to ports 80,443,902 is working.

- Did many many test, like increase the SSL timeout and the http/https connections... in the config file... and no succes there.

- Had another webex with VMware support, and their Network engineer... and he found nothing.

The "STRANGE" thing is :
I can connect from my laptop to ESX 3.5 and VC 2.5. that use the same TCP ports.

The "VERY STRANGE" thing is :
I can connect to the servers that I have the issue, using any other tool... PowerCLI, SSH, Custom C-# Windows apps, etc...
There is just with VI Client that is not working.

Here is what I have in the vpx logs


at VirtualInfrastructure.ManagedObject.InvokeMethod(MethodName, Object[])
   at Vmomi.ServiceInstance.RetrieveContent()
   at VmomiSupport.VcServiceImpl.InitializeTransport(ConnectionSpec)
   at VpxClient.UI.InitializeVimClient(Dictionary`2, String[])
   at VpxClient.UI.StartUpIfNotMultiVcSecure(Dictionary`2, SecureString, String[], LoginEventHandler, String, List`1&)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo)
   at VpxClient.Login.ClientAppObject.UIInvoke(String, Object[])
   at VpxClient.Login.ClientAppObject.StartUpIfNotMultiVcShim(Dictionary`2, SecureString, String[], Delegate, String, VICRunResult&)
   at VpxClient.Login.ClientAppObject.UIStartup(Dictionary`2, SecureString, String[], String, Boolean, VICRunResult&)
   at VpxClient.Login.ClientAppObject.Startup(Dictionary`2, PasswordString, String[], String, Boolean)
[viclient:Error   :W: 6] 2012-05-25 00:00:43.156  RMI Error Vmomi.ServiceInstance.RetrieveContent - 1
<Error type="VirtualInfrastructure.Exceptions.ConnectionError">
  <Message>The request failed because of a connection failure. (Unable to connect to the remote server)</Message>
  <InnerException type="System.Net.WebException">
    <Message>Unable to connect to the remote server</Message>
    <InnerException type="System.Net.Sockets.SocketException">
      <Message>A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443</Message>
  <Title>Connection Error</Title>
  <InvocationInfo type="VirtualInfrastructure.MethodInvocationInfoImpl">
    <StackTrace type="System.Diagnostics.StackTrace">
    <Target type="ManagedObject">ServiceInstance:ServiceInstance [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]</Target>
[        :ShowExcp:W: 6] 2012-05-25 00:00:43.188  Connection Error: The request failed because of a connection failure. (Unable to connect to the remote server)
VirtualInfrastructure.Exceptions.ConnectionError: The request failed because of a connection failure. (Unable to connect to the remote server)
   at VirtualInfrastructure.Soap.SoapServiceWrapper.DoInvokeSync(ManagedObject mo, MethodName methodName, Object[] parameters, Int32 timeoutSecs)
   at VirtualInfrastructure.Soap.SoapTransport.VirtualInfrastructure.Transport.InvokeMethod(ManagedObject mo, MethodName methodName, Object[] pars)
   at VirtualInfrastructure.ManagedObject.InvokeMethod(MethodName methodName, Object[] pars)
   at Vmomi.ServiceInstance.RetrieveContent()
   at VmomiSupport.VcServiceImpl.InitializeTransport(ConnectionSpec cnxSpec)
   at VpxClient.UI.InitializeVimClient(Dictionary`2 specMap, String[] arguments)
   at VpxClient.UI.StartUpIfNotMultiVcSecure(Dictionary`2 specMap, SecureString password, String[] arguments, LoginEventHandler handler, String dllPath, List`1& listOfVcUrls)
System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server
Server stack trace:
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult, TransportContext& context)
Exception rethrown at [0]:


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4 Replies


Port 903 also needs to be open.  Also, on your vCenter server, disable your Windows Firewall.  This has caused my headaches in the past.


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I can telnet to 80,443,902....

903 is supposed to be open on FW also, but when I telnet to it it return:

Connecting To xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...Could not open connection to the host, on port 903
: Connect failed

Not sure if there is anything listening on port 903 on host....

Can you confirm that doing a telnet on port 903, is not giving you the same as me?

Currently I am just trying to connect to hosts... will deal with VC later... but I think once I am able to connect to the hosts it will help for the VC.. since it is the same error...


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Are you even able to ping the host?

Is your vSphere client on the same subnet as your host?  Or at least know that routing between subnets is set up properly? 

Here is a list of all ports you ever need to know about for VMware


And another article that might help you.  Maybe double check these settings



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Hello jeff9565

Hope doing great

Furhter suggestionCould you please answer to jeff9565 question  .

"You must Be the change you wish to see in the world."
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