VMware Cloud Community

Unable to install Single Sign On


I am attempting to install SSO to upgrade our vSphere installation from 5.0 to 5.1 but are having no luck.

The process of installing the SSO is a bit of a nightmare and I must admit I have never had this many issues in trying to install vmware software.  It's been very difficult.

So far I continue to get errors with the installation as follows

     First error is an error with the FQDN indicating nslookup fails - I have checked and checked and it is correctly registed.

     Second error is than the service fails to start

     and the final error is the lookup service fails and the installation than rols back.

I have attempted different combinations during install possibly 20 plus times, I have searched the internet and can't find what could possible be wrong.  I really need some help.

I have attached the vim-sso-mis.log file.  Hopefully someone can understand this and shed some light on the issues.

Some of the things I have tried:

     Rebooting many times

     re-joining the domain

     different combinations of passwords (althoug I think this issue is fixed in latest release), variations of the setup, local network account etc.


Thank in advance for any help you can provide.


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6 Replies

I've installed SSO on a separate VM with no issues, if you are upgrading your vCenter server VM try uninstalling 5.0 or at least making sure all the services are stopped first

also check firewalls if you are behind any as SSO has its own ports

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I have attempted to do as suggested without success,  Stopping all services still caused the issues discussed.

Some more info on my configuration

     Windows Server 2008

     Current install if vSphere 5.0

     I have a separate install on different machine of VMWare view - its target is this server

     It has view composer installed to service VMWare view

     The network card is multihomed to access the vmware maintenance network - this created issues with reverse lookup and I resolved this by creating a reverse lookup zone for the maintenance sub net.  The main network that has the domain control is while the maintenance network has a ip address of



The first error relates to the unable to start the SSO service

First Failure on SSO Installation.PNG

The second is an Active Directory error (I have added and removed it from the domain a number of times)

Second Failure on SSO Installation.PNG

The third error is the Filed to configure Lookup service - see attached image

Third Failure on SSO Installation.PNG

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This entry in the discover-is.log

Could not connect to HTTP invoker remote service at [https://vcenterserver.kingdom.local:7444/ims/CommandServer]; nested exception is java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

Check if port 7444 isn't in use by another process  (use something like process explorer from the sysinternals tools or run "netstat -abn" in a command box)

Besides that you can reference this KB for troubleshooting: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=203320...

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I've also a problem to upgrade SSO from ver. to

I got always the error "Fehler 2229. datenbank" (error 2229. database).

The language on the server (w2k8R2) is german. I've tried to install how describes the kb-article http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=203797... but I got the same error.

Tried to set up the language-settings to en-us => error 2229;

tried to set up the language-settings to en-us and installed via VMware-SSO-Server.exe /S /v"/L*v \"%temp%\vim-sso-msi.log\" /qn" => error 2229.

In the log i get:

Property(S): PackageCode = {C520B75A-8D92-48DF-A0C7-CF375609E39B}

MSI (s) (D4:14) [11:54:19:042]: Note: 1: 1728
MSI (s) (D4:14) [11:54:19:044]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (D4:14) [11:54:19:048]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (D4:14) [11:54:19:050]: Produkt: vCenter Single Sign On -- Die Konfiguration wurde abgeschlossen.

MSI (s) (D4:14) [11:54:19:050]: Windows Installer reconfigured the product. Product Name: vCenter Single Sign On. Product Version: Product Language: 1031. Manufacturer: VMware, Inc.. Reconfiguration success or error status: 0.


need we really sso????

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Hi Flash ...

Your issue is different then what this thread originally started with .. To get more exposure to your problem you might benefit next time, to start a separate thread... Smiley Wink

But that out of the way ...

The Note 1: 1728 actually means that the change was succesful ... Also the "Transformin table Error" doesn't really mean there was an error ...

Just thinking out loud:

- Did you run the command in a cmd window specifically started with admin rights (Right-click run as administrator) ?

- Maybe the Database was in use during the upgrade/change and not all tables got changed?

- Tried again after restart of the system?

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Thx Spravtek,

I've started a new thread:


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