VMware Cloud Community

VMKernal adapter on vDS or on standard switch

Hello all!

I want to know should I keep the vmkernal adapter on standard switch or should I migrate it to distribured switch? 

I was adding uplinks on vDS and I see error in logs. Although the uplinks were added sucessfully. I added uplinks 5 and 6. uplinks from 1 to 4 were already existed. Is it a warning only?

Error: The resource 'vmk0' is in use. The Uplink names :Uplink 1, Uplink 2 are in use by the mangement vmkernel interface vmk0 on host, which are connected to the physical network adapters :vmnic0, vmnic1

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Yes, adding vmk0 to VDS is favorable and in actual should be moved as it gives the same policy inherited on all the ESXi host across the cluster.


However, its depends on how you have added the uplinks. Is uplink5,6 showing unused before you tried adding in vmk0. However, only 2 uplinks is quite relevant for vmk0. As a best practice, you should use your unused uplinks to other vmkernel port like vm1,2...


Please share the actual error you were facing..

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