VMware Cloud Community

Converter problems


I'm using the converter (3.0.2) to move an existing Windows 2000 Pro system to a VM (hot clone). I ran into all the 'usual' problems (scsiport.sys, uninstall virus scanner, etc) and finally got the transfer going. However somewhere in the middle of the cloning/conversion process, during phase 2, I got an error:

'P2V' 4712 error] Task failed: P2VError UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(sysimage.fault.PlatformError)

I repeated the test and got the error again, but at a different time (percentage complete level). The Win2000 system is a FAT32 with two partitions (c: and d:).

Initially I used the manager part of the software on Vista64 and tried to generate the image on a local NTFS share (see Win2000_via_Vista64_to_local_NTFS.log). As that didn't work I used another system with Windows XP (32-bit) and tried to create the image on an external FAT share. This time it almost succeeded, but again I got an error when I was in already phase 3 (see Win2000_via_XP32_to_net_FAT32).

Does anyone know how to fix this?



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7 Replies

Can you go onto the physical machine you are converting into the C:\Windows\Temp\vmware-temp\ and grab all of the vmware-converter-#.log files? Zip them up and attach them in your response. If you could also attach a screenshot of diskmanagement, would prove very helpful.

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Here are all the log files from C:\WINNT\Temp\vmware-temp\ (see attached). I don't have a screenshot of the diskmanagement yet, it can take a few hours until it hits the problem. I'll try to post both (the one where it happens in phase 2 and the other one with phase 3).



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Creating snapshot using vss

Shapshot creation failed. driver=vss

Creating snapshot using vsnap

Vsnap does have admin rights

Can you try re-running converter as the "local" administrator instead of the user "user"?

Also, a screenshot of diskmanement doesnt need to be taken after you repro the failure. Just go to start-->run->Compmgmt.msc then go to "Disk Management"

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Hi theanykey,

I got some time on the Win 2000 system again and tried systemname\administrator instead of "domain\user", but ran into the same problem (error at 62%). I was running the converter on a Vista64 host again. Please find the screenshot of the error in the VMware Converter attached.

I also attached a screenshot of the disk management console from the Win 2000 system. Please note that I excluded the E: drive from the cloning process.


Message was edited by: biker2000

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Connecting to
imageserver\Virtual Machines\Experimental as testbuild2000\administrator

Error authenticating to share : 1326

Failed to connect to
imageserver\Virtual Machines\Experimental as testbuild2000\administrator. Error: Error authenticating to SMB share.

Image processing task has failed with MethodFault::Exception: sysimage.fault.NetworkShareConnectFailed


step "Clone VM" 64% completed

imageserver\Virtual Machines\Experimental\testbuild2000WS5x\testbuild2000WS5x.vmdk" : failed to grow disk: The specified network name is no longer available (16386).

Error 4194313 writing to the destination volume

Image processing task has failed with PlatformError fault: 4194313

SetState to error

RWv failed ioId: #231445 (4194313) (9) .

step "Cloning into volume virtVol={computer={e7b0830a4f29526bbf88fb13f94b98fe5bf4538c},1}" destroyed



Failed to write out header: The specified network name is no longer available (4194313).

Failed to close handle "02917770".

Cloning failed!

Image processing task has failed with PlatformError fault: 4194313

Removing destination VM

VM directory does not exist

Failed to delete VM: vim.fault.CannotDeleteFile

- Could be your network, NICs, or a router/switch in between.

- Doublecheck the authentication for your // share. It might be better to map the share as a drive letter.

- You can try using the 2gb split-files option - it could be the filesystem on that // share.

- Your best bet is to install converter directly on the win2000 machine. Point to your mapped drive letter with administrative rights. Use 2gb chunks.

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I had this problem. The mesage error was similar. I did a lot of test and finally found the error. The disk had bad sectors and it was formated in ntfs format. I repaired the disk with two disk utils and left the disk without errors. After thar, I tried to convert it again and runned!!

Good Luck!!

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@ : did you mention it was caused by hard-disk error, the hard-disk in target machine (that you want to be cloned) or the source machine (that VMware Converter are running on)?

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