VMware Cloud Community

V2P converter 6.4 error

We are getting the following error The host might not be available on the network, there might be a network configuration problem, or the management services on this host are not responding.

I am attaching the logs.


Looks like a SSL error but I followed the other blog posts and changed <sslOptions> and this did not fix the issue.

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3 Replies

This is during installation or already in convert phase? 

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This is in the Conversion phase, when you are entering information for the remote machine to convert.





I did a work around by installing the client on the remote machine and converted. But would like this to work correctly, 

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee


There is an error in worker's log when it attempts to connect to the agent on the source machine.

2023-09-14T21:04:23.352-07:00 warning vmware-converter-worker[07704] [Originator@6876 sub=IO.Connection] Failed to connect; <io_obj p:0x06b56110, h:1716, <TCP ' : 63177'>, <TCP ' : 9089'>>, e: 10060(A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond), duration: 21004msec

Note that the agent listens on port 9089, which may well be blocked by a firewall (e.g. the source machine's one).

It is possible to configure the agent to listen on a different port. Edit "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\converter-agent.xml" on the source machine and look for "<soapPort>9089</soapPort>" in it. Restart the service "VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Agent" after that. In this case you will need to add the port in the wizard the wizard, see Select a Powered On Windows Machine to Convert

There is another error in server's log which looks weird:

2023-09-14T21:04:23.357-07:00 warning vmware-converter-server[04924] [Originator@6876 sub=vmomi.soapStub[0]] SOAP request returned HTTP failure; <<io_obj p:0x080874f0, h:2092, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-worker-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-worker-soap'>>, /converter/sdk>, method: validateAgentAvailability; code: 500(Internal Server Error)

No idea why this is so.

An alternative could be to install Converter server on the source machine and then do a conversion of "this local machine".



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