VMware Cloud Community

Virtual to Physical blade server using converter boot CD (no network found)

I would like to test out the virtual to physical functionality. I used the petool to add the proper nic drivers to the coldclone iso but when I boot up I am still getting no network found. The machine I am trying to clone to is a blade server. Does this pose any specefic issues? What am I missing here?

I also viewed the contents of the ISO and I can see the driver was added to the image.

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1 Reply

Are you sure you added the 2003 driver ?

Why don't you use a BartPE-based ColdClone CD then adding drivers after boot is easy.


description of vmx-parameters:


Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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