New Microsoft Teams AppX

New Microsoft Teams AppX

I've created a DEM config file for the new Microsoft Teams AppX application that was released October 2023:

DirectFlex is not enabled, and does not make sense for the app to be enabled since it typically auto starts at logon and keeps running in the background until logoff.

These are the locations that are managed, since it's an AppX application the locations are slightly different compared to classic apps. 






I have not extensively tested this, so please let me know your results, so we can optimize this together.

Some new insight:

Profile and cache location for new Teams Client

All the user settings and configurations are now stored in:

  • C:\Users\alland\AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams

Make sure this folder is persisted for proper Teams functioning.

Excluding these items helps reduce the user caching size to further optimize a non-persistent setup:

  • AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\Logs AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\PerfLogs

I'd say add <LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\PerfLogs to the ExcludeFolderTrees.


There's more new info.

Also, FSLogix 2210 hotfix 3 Preview (2.9.8716.30241) is required!

All the user settings and configurations are now stored in:

  • C:\Users\alland\AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams

Make sure this folder is persisted for proper Teams functioning.

Excluding these items helps reduce the user caching size to further optimize a non-persistent setup:

  • AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\Logs
  • AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\PerfLogs
  • AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\WebStorage

When you exclude the WebStorage folder (used for domains hosted within Teams like SharePoint, Viva Learning, etc.), you can significantly reduce storage. It can also have an impact on performance as users would lose caching benefits.


So, I would say the DEM config needs to be at least this:





I am also attempting to enable roaming for Teams. I have experimented with the new FSLogix and explored some possibilities. What I have observed is that when I close Teams before shutting down, the themes are successfully roamed. However, if I don't close Teams, other items get roamed, even when Teams is not closed at all.

Have any of you experienced similar results?

Thank you @rgb99 for the good addition! I've updated to ZIP and startpost to use the new Exclusions.

And @Weslleyy I'm not sure what you are asking. In both cases everything roams? Please describe in a bit more details what works and what doesn't.


I switched the theme to dark mode. When I close Teams and log in again, Teams appears in dark mode. However, if I don't close Teams and log in again, it reverts to the default white mode.

1. How do you capture or (enable even)  the  (new) TeamsMeetingAddin? 
(for all users in a non-persistent environment) it used to be 


But with the bootstrapper installation for all users it won't even install "MicrosoftTeamsMeetingAddinInstaller.msi" 

When I manually install MicrosoftTeamsMeetingAddinInstaller.MSI, which is available after installation at for example: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MSTeams_23306.3314.2555.9628_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\, I chose C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Teams.. (for everyone option) but it won't even appear in plugins, nor can I manually add the (com) plugin dll 

2. FSLogix 2.9.8716.30241 does capture new teams, yaay.
If you chose to use FSLogix to capture (New)Teams, you won't need these DEM settings right?

3. This NewTeams updates itself.
I bet Weslleyy found out because it looks like whilst updating perhaps Teams resets its settings. 

You could try

Location: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Teams Name: disableAutoUpdate Type: DWORD Value: 1

as found here


@Weslleyy have you enabled DirectFlex for this DEM Config File? Best to check the DEM logfile (in debug for a test user: ) to see if the export of the Teams DEM config file happens in both cases.

Or feel free to DM me a DEM debug logfile so I can have a look.


1. Do you still need that Addin to be installed? I'm not a big user of Teams, what does the Addin do? Does the New Teams still require it?

2. Might depend of the FSLogix template disk you use. The 'O365 disk' might not capture all Teams settings, maybe just the (large) installation files.

1. We have a non-persistant Windows 10 Horizon VDI environment (ODFC FSLogix and DEM). Our users work with Outlook 365. They need to create Teams links in appointments, preferably without opening teams. Old teams worked fine that way. On a persistant desktop user-installed (new) teams/addin it worked fine as well. The addin just does that. It creates teams meeting buttons as well as (working) create Teams links buttons in appointments.

2. Old Teams was not workable as it created 2gb cachefiles whilst not letting DEM create exceptions for these cache folder.. Because it's already written to the VHD.... I was just curious whether anyone actually knows. Anyway, there's only one checkbox on ODFC FSlogix to include Teams or not. There's no Teams refinement in FSLogix with ODFC.

@shampoo77 you probably ran into a limitation of FSlogix. The New Teams was not supported.

But FSlogix just released a Preview patched version that should support the New Teams:

I'm not sure if you want to run a Preview in production, but I would suggest to test this version to see if your issues are resolved.

FSLogix 2210 hotfix 3 Preview (2.9.8716.30241)


This is a preview version for this hotfix release. This version will not be found in any Azure Marketplace images.



  • Update: When new Teams is detected, the AppX package is registered for the user during sign-in.
  • Update: During user sign-out, Teams user data/cache located in %LocalAppData%\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache will be saved in the container.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where a virtual machine would reboot unexpectedly as a result of bug check (various stop codes) when a user's redirects were removed before sign-out.

I had originally created a DEM config for New Teams per Microsoft's own documentation ( -- Should have known better! lol






This does not work. Great job Microsoft!

However, building on @Pim_van_de_Vis's attachment (revision #3) and some further troubleshooting (there may or may not have been some trial and error involved), I've settled on the following DirectFlex-disabled config. The HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\TeamsTfwStartupTask key holds New Teams auto-start configuration which persists the user's selection of the "Auto-start Teams" checkbox in settings. I also added a few additional exclusions which significantly reduce the size of the user's Archive.


HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe


<LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\Code Cache
<LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\Service Worker\CacheStorage
<LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\Service Worker\ScriptCache


So far in my limited testing, this appears to be working well. Hopefully this will be helpful to others.


Great @JahnsTek , thanks for sharing!


Did you ever find a solution for the appearance settings not saving? I am running into this same issue.

@JahnsTek  - That Exclusion List is very helpful.

I'm on the Microsoft Tap program, and there have been discussions about listing the various folders and what function they what happens if you exclude folder XYZ, and folder DEF.  This would help us make better decisions when adding exclusions.  Nothing has been posted yet.

The issue is that the folder structure keeps changing in various builds.  We really will need to keep an eye on the ZIP file sizes as we upgrade Teams in the Horizon Pools.  It will be a real balancing act.

Microsoft's take is that you should use FSLogix and throw SAN disk at the issue.  They were happy with a 2GB storage size, and the Horizon admins in TAP were not happy at all.  SAN storage is expensive.

The exclusions above work well.  Our 200 MB (105 compressed) Zip file is now around 70MB (20MB compressed).  Opening Teams is faster, as we are not awaiting the ZIP copy and unzip...we are using DirectFlex against ms-teams.exe.


1) Even though we have the following Reg settings, the Team startup & Close on exit are not "sticking".  Is it working for anyone else?

2) Teams loads, and then closes and reopens when launched in the VM.

2024-01-31T18:54:42.574124-05:00 0x0000279c <INFO> UnlockLimitedAccessFeatures: UnlockLimitedAccessFeatures: Limited access feature, status = 3
2024-01-31T18:54:42.574124-05:00 0x0000279c <INFO> RoomsPlatformUtils: Process invoked without rooms flag, no platform ID override provided
2024-01-31T18:54:42.617745-05:00 0x0000279c <INFO> boot::SingleInstanceService: Restarting app, waiting for instance mutex...
2024-01-31T18:54:47.686220-05:00 0x0000279c <INFO> boot::SingleInstanceService: Mutex aquired...
2024-01-31T18:54:47.686220-05:00 0x0000279c <INFO> boot::SingleInstanceService: Aquiring pipe server mutex...
2024-01-31T18:54:47.686220-05:00 0x0000279c <INFO> boot::SingleInstanceService: Mutex aquired...


Tested on Teams version 24004.1305.2651.7623



@JahnsTek You say you've added



The folder "meeting-addin" under TeamsSharedConfig shouldn't be persisted, as this could cause issues with the default meeting coordinates in the meeting templates inserted into Outlook.

That's part of C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Publishers\8wekyb3d8bbwe\TeamsSharedConfig\
So, you need to exclude 

  • <LocalAppData>Publishers\8wekyb3d8bbwe\TeamsSharedConfig\meeting-addin

As well.


Has anyone deployed the new teams client on a non-persistent VDI and had the following issue - whist Teams autoloads on the profile we installed it on (the local administrator) when we deploy the image and log in with a normal it doesn't autoload, but that's because the appx isn't installed for the user yet. If you run the new teams client manually you can see it's installing and then runs fine - although it asks to sign-in the first time it does seem to remember details afterwards so the DEM bit seems fine at least.

It's mostly likely to do with the mandatory profile we have in place - I know from the Windows 11 gold master guide it recommends not use mandatory profiles anymore so we might have more luck when we get around to doing that but has anyone else had the same problem and is a way to add the appx package to the profile so it's provisioned?

@lincs_sm I  needed to install the addin exactly as stated here at the Workaround part:

Example: msiexec.exe /i "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MSTeams_24004.1309.2689.2246_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftTeamsMeetingAddinInstaller.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\1.23.35502.0\"

Notice the specific buildnumbers.

Do NOT disable windows update like this:**bleep**ty_windows_upd... 

Do disable autoupdate for teams: 

New-ItemProperty -Force -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Teams" -Name disableAutoUpdate -Value 1 -PropertyType "DWORD"

Make sure that the following keys are set for the user (could use predefined  settings)

"Description"="Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office"
"FriendlyName"="Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office"



The new teams client is working on our VDI with fslogix 365 container.

The outlook add-in now also works.

But when the new Teams client autostarts, it shutdowns after a few seconds, when starting the app manually again, everything works fine.

The MSTeams logs show the following:

024-03-07T11:11:02.038887+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> win::CanvasDeviceTupleSubject: Recycle called
2024-03-07T11:11:02.238114+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> WebViewWindowWin: (hwnd=0x000300ee; name=20c72cef-180c-4e8d-9ac8-5068ba27b957; tags=Main) WM_ACTIVATE hwnd=0x000300ee wparam=0x0000000000000000 lparam=0x0000000000000000
2024-03-07T11:11:15.734565+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> DesktopAppLifecycle: HandleQueryEndSession received WM_QUERYENDSESSION message
2024-03-07T11:11:15.734565+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> DesktopAppLifecycle: HandleQueryEndSession received WM_QUERYENDSESSION message with ENDSESSION_CLOSEAPP
2024-03-07T11:11:15.734565+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> DesktopAppLifecycle: HandleQueryEndSession Skip registering update restart due to no staged update detected
2024-03-07T11:11:15.735566+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> DesktopAppLifecycle: HandleEndSession received WM_ENDSESSION message
2024-03-07T11:11:15.735566+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> DesktopAppLifecycle: HandleEndSession received WM_ENDSESSION message with ENDSESSION_CLOSEAPP
2024-03-07T11:11:15.736573+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> DesktopAppLifecycle: operator ()Quiting the application
2024-03-07T11:11:15.736573+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> ScenarioFactory: Scenario: 'shell_app_shutdown' doesn't meet minimum privacy classification
2024-03-07T11:11:15.736573+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> RestartManager: PrepareQuitPosting termination task.
2024-03-07T11:11:15.737571+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> UserIntent::Clear: Clear: clearing stored deeplink
2024-03-07T11:11:15.738570+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> tmpcore::TmpcoreService: Raised appStateChanged event: state = 1
2024-03-07T11:11:15.738570+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> ScenarioFactory: Scenario: 'shell_jumplist_initialization' doesn't meet minimum privacy classification
2024-03-07T11:11:15.746586+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> DesktopAppLifecycle: WaitForWebReadyToQuitSignal WaitForWebReadyToQuitSignal disabled, initiating shutdown.
2024-03-07T11:11:15.746586+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> native_modules::TaskbarModule: Entering TaskbarModule::showBadge
2024-03-07T11:11:15.746586+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> native_modules::TaskbarModule: ShowBadge New Badge:NumericBadge{0}, overlay: 0 items, status available
2024-03-07T11:11:15.746586+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> TaskbarBadgeServiceLegacy:Work: SetBadge Setting badge: NumericBadge{0}, overlay: 0 items, status available
2024-03-07T11:11:15.746586+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> ScenarioFactory: Scenario: 'shell_legacy_badge_rendering' doesn't meet minimum privacy classification
2024-03-07T11:11:15.746586+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> TaskbarBadgeServiceLegacy:Work: SetBadge PreSetBadge verification: NumericBadge{0}, overlay: 0 items, status available
2024-03-07T11:11:15.747580+01:00 0x000029b4 <ERR> TeamsIconLoader: GetNotificationIcon setting default teams notification icon
2024-03-07T11:11:15.747580+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> ScenarioFactory: Scenario: 'shell_system_tray_update' doesn't meet minimum privacy classification
2024-03-07T11:11:15.747580+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> NotificationIcon: (id={AF0ADBF8-4B35-4FFD-B1DB-18DE16ABB0F4}; fallback_id=1) UpdateIcon forwarding update notification request
2024-03-07T11:11:15.747580+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> NotificationIcon: (id={AF0ADBF8-4B35-4FFD-B1DB-18DE16ABB0F4}; fallback_id=1) Shell_NotifyIconW(NIM_MODIFY, id={AF0ADBF8-4B35-4FFD-B1DB-18DE16ABB0F4})
2024-03-07T11:11:15.749581+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> WebViewWindowWin: (hwnd=0x000300ee; name=20c72cef-180c-4e8d-9ac8-5068ba27b957; tags=Main) OnBadgeOverlayChanged
2024-03-07T11:11:15.749581+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> ScenarioFactory: Scenario: 'shell_badge_legacy_event' doesn't meet minimum privacy classification
2024-03-07T11:11:15.750582+01:00 0x000029b4 <DBG> WebViewWindowWin: (hwnd=0x000300ee; name=20c72cef-180c-4e8d-9ac8-5068ba27b957; tags=Main) SetTaskbarIconOverlay overlay description:0 items, status available
2024-03-07T11:11:15.750582+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> WebViewWindowWin: (hwnd=0x000300ee; name=20c72cef-180c-4e8d-9ac8-5068ba27b957; tags=Main) OnWmClose: CloseActionHideWindow, hiding the window
2024-03-07T11:11:15.750582+01:00 0x000029b4 <INFO> settings::AppSettings: Main window state value: 0
2024-03-07T11:11:15.751590+01:00 0x000029b4 <D

@shampoo77 - Luckily the addin was working fine, it's just opening Teams itself that's the issue. On our main pool at the moment we have both clients installed - the classic opens first with the option to open new Teams but I'm not sure how that's going to work at the end of the month when they move over to the new client.

On the pool with just new Teams installed it doesn't autorun the client - it can be manually started and it works fine. The addin even works fine within Outlook which was surprising as we've had load of issues on our standard desktops when they use the new Teams and we've yet to fix that one....

@lincs_sm Did you manually enable/verify auto start in teams? (settings, checkbox autostart teams)

I wanted it to not start so the other way around. However, my setup always started so that setting did not roam with fslogix only.

As stated in the forumthread by @JahnsTek 

The HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\TeamsTfwStartupTask key holds New Teams auto-start configuration which persists the user's selection of the "Auto-start Teams" checkbox in settings

So, I ended up using DEM. Now my "do not start" setting does roam.

@shampoo77  Setting this registry key disabled New Teams auto start for me. 


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\TeamsTfwStartupTask]

I can't get new team to work on non-persistent VDI with auto-login

When logging into a VDI for the first time, Teams asks for a credential and logs in normally.

If I log off and log into a NOVA VDI, Teams opens but fails to load and asks to enter credentials.

I would like login to be automatic for the user to log into any non-persistent VDI.

If he logs into a VDI that he has previously logged into, Auto-login works, only on new ones it does not work.

Has anyone ever had this problem?


Alguém já teve esse problema?

VMware has a KB related to MS Teams issues. It may be useful.

For both issues, the resolution is: Utiliize Horizon 2312 or later or utilize Teams 1.0 if available.


Did you ever find a solution to the issue with New Teams appearance settings not "taking hold" unless you quit the application prior to signing out / back in?

Thanks in advance!

@DanVM99 , @Caleb_T @Weslleyy @Pim_van_de_Vis 

I've got the same issue, e.g. the "Appearance and accessibility / Layout / List" setting doesn't take hold unless New Teams is quit before logout. That's using the latest 2312 versions of Horizon Agent and DEM and New Teams version 24033.811.2738.2546. 

I'm guessing DEM is extracting the files from <LocalAppUser> before New Teams is unloaded by the logoff process, but I'm not sure if that can be worked around.

So I did some digging. If I TaskKill ms-teams.exe from a command prompt, settings are saved. Great! So I tried that at logout but success was patchy. It looks like the ms-teams.exe process is gone before the logout script and DEM can TaskKill. So I thought I'd try Terminate under App Settings. No settings are saved when you terminate the app. Sigh. So I guess the logout process terminates New Teams, loses changed settings and  there's nothing for DEM to pick up later. So much for a workaround..

We use these Settings:

# MS Teams ab v2


#Recommended for exclusion

#Review tradeoff considerations, requiring evaluation and testing for these environments

<LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\Service Worker\CacheStorage
<LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\Service Worker\ScriptCache
<LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\Code Cache





Hi @Schlozy, thanks for that, mine's similar (see below) but pretty much only what was mentioned on the Microsoft page about inclusions and exclustions. I checked out the registry trees you've included but neither get created when I test. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Teams does (not under Office), but doesn't appear to store anything useful.



<LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\Service Worker\CacheStorage

This config don't is working SSO for Microsoft Teams @Schlozy 

Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎12-07-2023 03:04 AM
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