VMware Cloud Community

Block Size and Snapshot Problem

Hi There,

as you can See i am new in the VMWare thing, now theres the Second Problem:

I installed ESXi and the "Auto" Created Volume (860Gig) was created with a Blocksize of 1MB

First: is it Possible to change it "without" loosing data?

Second: if not can i Delete it after Backing up my Storage? and recreate it?

^^ Asking second question, because i dont know if that auto created Volume is the entire ESXi partition WITH the ROOT ESXi Installation?!

Would be GReat if someone could give a quick info of how to proceed!


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5 Replies

I installed ESXi and the "Auto" Created Volume (860Gig) was created with a Blocksize of 1MB

First: is it Possible to change it "without" loosing data?

No, not if you keep the data on the VMFS volume. Yes, if you move everything of that VMFS volume, recreate it and move everything back.

Second: if not can i Delete it after Backing up my Storage? and recreate it?

Yes, is that you only option? What about a second temporary VMFS datastore?

Read this regarding block size selection: http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2009/05/14/block-sizes-and-growing-your-vmfs/


VCP 3 & 4

Author @ vmwire.net


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I was not Sure if i can delete the "root" datastore within the installation of the esxi...

I checked it with ssh "fdisk -l" and i checked that there are several partitions!

I move everything and recreate it!

Thanks i post if it worked!

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now it Downloads the Containing Folder of a VM Machine which is 256 GB Big in Size, the vmdk is only 13GB but when i Download it it says more than 500Minutes remaining... wtf...

If i Download the Folder a -flat.vmdk will be downloaded,... ist that the WHOLE 256GB File?! How can i arrange it to just dload the small "Thin" File?!

With the SSH Session its the fullfile with 256GB in the Datastore Browser its just 13GB (The second Server is 30GB Thin / 256GB big)

Please give me a tip How to manage This!

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Can you tell me PLEASE how to Easy manage it, to get the vmdk in a a thin Format? I tried a few things but i don't have any idea of getting this vmdk down in a thin Format off the Esxi and back on the new datastore, all with thin vmdk transfer! otherwise the Download will take nearly half a day for one Server!!!

The ghettovcb can manage it to back it up in thin format... why doesn no native solution support this? or are there tools to get the vmdk in thin?


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storage vmotion the VM and select "thin" as the new target disk.


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