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Could not power on VM, Invalid metadata


I am trying to power on 1 VM which throw the below error


Could not power on VM: Invalid metadata

Failed to initialize swap file <xxxxxx.vswp> : Invalid metadata


Steps I followed till now -

1. There was a Memory Limit on VM, made it Unlimited.

2. Moved to the different ESX host.

3. Removed from the Inventory and readded it again.

All the things didn't work...

So I though to do Storage vmotion, But I am getting the error " Unable to access file [xxxxxx.vmdk]

Now looking the help to resolve the issue.

Thanks in advance.

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18 Replies

it would help if you attach the vmx-file and the latest vmware.log from that VM

maybe it is enough to delete the
sched.swap.derivedName =
from the vmx-file

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Thanks. Here it is

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After taking the backup of vmx file, I deleted the  line "sched.swap.derivedName = "

Removed from the inventory and re-added to inventory. Still the same error message.

Now I wonder where it takes the vswp file name. Any help?

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check out this kb link.

http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=10051&slic... 0 238016205

KB 10051


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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

My 2 Cents

Was the Memory recently increased?

Try changing the reservation to 100% and power on.

Have you seen this Discussion

It looks like this is a single disk VM with no snapshots.

You can always create a new VM and just point to the old vmdk, then SvMotion to keep files together.

Might save some time Smiley Wink

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do you still have a *.vswp file in the directory of the VM ? - if yes delete it

try with the edited vmx file I attached

by the way - what happened to the vmware.log file ???

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Hi continuum,

Thanks for your help.

But unfortunately it leads to another error. The power on task goes till 98%, then it start to throw the error. Error attached.

I verified the descripter file, but it's pointing correct vmdk (descriptor file). Any help?

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oh dear - not good :smileyshocked:

looks like my favorite problem last two weeks

please post the latest vmware.log - need to check the exact error-messsages

if my suspicion is correct - the only way to read that vmdk is to boot the esxi with a Linux-LiveCD

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...


Thanks for quick help.

Here is the log.

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may I ask what you did to the vmware.log that adds \par at the end of each line ?

anyway - looks like you got exactly what I was afraid off.

I doubt that you can copy , clone , convert , move or svmotion  that vmdk with esxi itself.
The only way I know to recover this vmdk is to use a LinuxLiveCD and boot the ESXi with it.

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Could you please elabarate or give the url which explains how to recover the vmdk by booting ESXi using Linux LiveCD.

I am not sure, what makes \par at the end of the each line - I downloaded the log and always used to read by wordpad. And I uploaded the same log to u.

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so copy , clone , convert or svmotion does not work ?

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Yes, You are right.

Tried Svmotion eariler too, but got the error "Unable to access <xxxx.vmdk> file.

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I have not posted a howto for using the Linux LiveCD workaround yet
at the moment I do not have enough free webspace to upload the one I made for this purpose

here is the overview in short

- download Ubuntu 11.04 64bit version LiveCD
- write iso to CD
- add an USB-disk to the ESXi
- boot esxi from LiveCD
- configure network in the LiveCD
- add all available repositories in synaptic
- upgrade with synaptic
- install vmfs-tools with synaptic
- mount vmfs-volume via vmfstools

- copy corrupt vmdk to USB-disk
- cross your fingers

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...


Hi continuum ,

It's really very good experience.

But still I was not aware of this process. I already troubled lot asking so many questions.

Could you please brief some more regarding the below steps.


- configure network in the LiveCD
- add all available repositories in synaptic
- upgrade with synaptic
- install vmfs-tools with synaptic
- mount vmfs-volume via vmfstools

- copy corrupt vmdk to USB-disk
- cross your fingers


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hmm - I guess I should make a video then ?

if necessary I could upload a CD that does most of it automatically ....

give me some time then I create a few screenshots

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Eagerly waiting for it Smiley Happy

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first rough version - no narration yet


Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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