VMware Cloud Community

Preventing DRS from applying recommendations on power events

I have a large cluster that hosts virtual desktops (Citrix XenDesktop) for end users. To manage resources in the cluster, I keep idle machines powered off, and when the users go to access the machines, Citrix XenDesktop issues a POWER ON command to the virtual machine via vCenter.

DRS is applying recommendations in the form of "UNREGISTER FROM SOURCE HOST, REGISTER TO DESTINATION HOST" - this introduces an additional 30 seconds or so for the users to wait for their machine to power on. This is unacceptable.

Is there a way to load balance the cluster utilizing live migrations of powered on virtual machines ONLY, and prevent DRS from applying recommendations at power on events?

Thanks in advance!

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4 Replies

Welcome to the Community -  What is the current setting for your DRS cluster? If it is set to fully automatic there really should be no additional delay it should start automatically on the host with the least load -

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DRS is fully automated, and the aggression level is set to 3 of 5 (in the middle)

It's working fine, but it's ONLY load balancing via registrations on power events, which is a delay for the users. I need live migrations of powered on VM's only, and machines that are currently powered OFF need to stay on the same host they are on when they power ON.

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DRS is used to load balance the cluster and placing the VM in the  effective to load balance the cluster. if you don't want the balancing while powerOn than i don't think so we have such option in DRS.

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You cannot separately disable only the initial placement part of the DRS without completely disabling it.

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