VMware Cloud Community

VM's unable to access network

I have completed a default install of VMware ESXi 5 today.  Everything seems to work, except that the VM's can only ping the host machine.  The VM's cannot ping any machine on the subnet (i.e. any machine not a guest of the ESXi server), nor can they be reached by any machine on the same subnet.

To summarise:

1.  Standard install (single nic)

2.  VM's can ping host

3.  VM's cannot ping (or be pinged by) other non-VM's.

4.  VM's can ping each other.

5.  VM's do not pick up DHCP external to ESXi server.

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21 Replies

I am thinking something similar.  The device's setup screens are only accessible from the cabled side.  So, to prevent access from the wireless side, I think it needs to spoof the ARP table somehow.  The AP itself, has very little in the way of options, so I think I will need to hardwaire the connection using CAT5.

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I hardwired this today with CAT5 and it has resolved the issue.

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