VMware Cloud Community

Where to get ESXi 4.1u2?

So I'm seeing chatter about a new 4.1 Update 2 that just came out a few days ago.  I'm even looking at the release notes for it on the web site as I type this, dated October 27th.

But for the life of me, I can't find a place to download it.  All of my download links still show 4.1u1 as the latest version.

-- Nathan

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8 Replies

You can find the download Here http://downloads.vmware.com/d/details/vc41u2/dHdlYnRoaGRidGVwKg==

My understanding is to update you need to update your vCenter Server FIRST then install the latest version of Update Manager then you can run your updates from there.  If you want to do an in place up grade then you can just download the hypervisor here: http://downloads.vmware.com/d/details/esxi41u2/dHdlYnRoKipidGVwKg==

Neadom Tucker



Thanks.  This is very interesting: the link you gave me to the direct download does in fact take me to a page that lists 4.1u2.  But when I click Download, I'm told I am not authorized to download it.  (I'm using a 4.x free/eval license, BTW.)  It suggests that I may need to register (again? already did this for 4.0/4.1, and have had no trouble getting updates in the past), so I click on the link to do so, it confirms my account information, and then asks me for my license keys.  I put my key in, and it tells me that it can't register me to that key because that key is already registered to another account...then it shows me MY account as the one it's registred to.

If I try to just go to product downloads, and then select vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi), and then 4.0, it tells me I'm registered and then escorts me to the download page, where it offers me 4.1u1 again.


Is it possible 4.1u2 is not being offered except to paid users at this time?

To be quite honest, the only immediate reason that I'm really interested in getting it is because I want to get a copy of the latest VMware Tools ISO, which is bundled with ESXi.  I'm trying to run an Ubuntu Server 11.04 (Natty) instance under 4.1u1 and the VMware Tools from 4.1u1, having been released before Ubuntu 11.04, only supports up to 10.10 (Maverick).

It's really, really frustrating that the only way to get the tarball version of the latest VMware Tools is bundled with the hypervisor.  I don't understand why the latest version of the Tools can't be offered for direct download.  Yes, I know about packages.vmware.com, but they only distribute the distribution-specific packages, not the generic tarball release.  And in Ubuntu's instance, the .deb files they made have dependencies on X, because it installs all of the GUI bits.  Well, I'm running Ubuntu Server *without* any GUI, and I refuse to install X simply so I can install the Tools.

-- Nathan

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Hi Nathan,

From the above update, we understood that your already having a logid and when you try to download ESXi41U2, it is asking for registration. It would have happen because you already login to Vmware site, in communities or other area with another login id which doesnt have permission. In general customer create one ID with License another one for tracking community and other fields.

Try the following options:

- Make sure that you logged off all loginID . go to http://downloads.vmware.com/d/info/datacenter_cloud_infrastructure/vmware_vsphere/4_1 and it promt  to login site. Use the autherized logID and login and try to download requried bits.

It works for me. ESXi41Update2 doesnt has me to register again.

- Try differnt browser or clear coockies and loginID/Password saved and try once again.

If your looking for tools upgrade of perticular VM, Go to  http://www.vmware.com/patchmgr/download.portal and download the ESXi41Update2 patch and install Tools using vihostupdate.



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Sorry about the delay I have been travelling and lost touch for a few days.  If you are doing free then I think you would need to download the standalone Update Manager and scan and download updates that way.  But I am not sure that will get you there either.  You may have to run an implace upgrade over your existing ESXi install.


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Did you ever figure out where to get the ESXi 4.1u2 ISO?  I get the same message you do when I click download.  I can download ESXi 4.1u1 with no problem.

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Often ISO installers lag a long time behind updates.

You can always install 4.1U1 and then apply the latest patch to get to U2.

0 Kudos


It's been almost 6 months since the release of ESXi 4.1 Update 2 and the installable update 2 ISO is still not available for download for some reason. The only thing that shows up in under free products is 4.1 U1.

I have a couple of questions:

1) Has anyone running 4.1 U1 (free version) been able to download and apply the patches to upgrade to U2 using something like the vSphere host update utility?

2) If VMWare is not planning on offering 4.1 U2 installable ISO for free could they make some sort of statement stating so?


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It should be possible to download the update-from-esx4.1-4.1_update02.zip file from patch download page of vmware and install it using esxupdate or vihostupdate.

its worked for me



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