VMware Cloud Community

snapshots not visible in vSphere Client


i have 1 VM (Exchange Server) Win 2008, where snapshots are not visible in vSphere Client.

If i create a snapshot, the deltafiles are visible via console.

The vSphere Client performs the creation till he gives a timeout (after 15 minutes).

If i use the console i can see with "hassnapshot" that snapshots are created.

I can also remove the snapshots via the console.

The big problem is that backup via VDR doesnt work on this machine because snapshot creation always runs till timeout Smiley Sad

I tried also to change the settings of the VM (removing CD drive) this gives me also a timeout Smiley Sad

Any ideas, how to fix this behaviour?

We are using ESX 244038

The VM has 3 Disks where one disk is on a different datastore, but all deltafiles will be created in working dir.

Thanks for your help.

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4 Replies

Are you performing the operation from vCenter (I assume yes)? Check KB http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1004790, increase to more than 15 minutes the timeout of the vpx agent.


Marcelo Soares
0 Kudos

Try to create a new snap and choose delete all.


Andrew | http://about.me/amauro | http://vinfrastructure.it/ | @Andrea_Mauro
0 Kudos


this behavior is seen when there are lot of snaps created by backup process/vdr and the snaps are not cleared  properly after backup. so the next time backup/vdr tries to create a snpshot it fails and times out. The best thing to do in such cases is to first bring down the VM/ plan a downtime and once its powered off, create a snapshot and then click on delete all from the snapshot manager, after the deletion completes check from the console if the delta files are still there. if they are gone good. else u need to try to remove them from cmd line :

create a new snap and try following cmds,

Type vmware-cmd -l and press Enter.

The output appears similar to:


Type vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/UUID/VMNAME/VMNAME.vmx hassnapshot

and press Enter to confirm that there is a snapshot. If the output displays a value of 1, a snapshot is present. If the output displays a value of 0, there is no snapshot present.

4.Type vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/UUID/VMNAME/VMNAME.vmx createsnapshot <name> <description> <quiesce> <memory> and press Enter to create a new snapshot.For example, the command:

vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/UUID/VMNAME/VMNAME.vmx createsnapshot "test" "" 0 0

makes a snapshot without memory, quiescing, or a description called test .u can use these same options for ur case.

Note: You can use any name you like. The name appears in the snapshot manager.

5.Type vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/UUID/VMNAME/VMNAME.vmx removesnapshots

and press Enter to remove the snapshot.

after the above , if the backup still does not start / fails to create a snapshot then u will have to do the following:

1. create a new snap after powereing off vm and see whats the name of the delta disk descriptor file it will be somethinglike vmname-0000005.vmdk

2. you should have enough diskspance for below cmd as it will consolidate all snapshot data into basedisk and create a new disk with all data:

vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/path to datastore where the snap deltas exist/"name of delta descriptor of new snap in step 1"    /vmfs/volmes/path to ds where enought free space exists/new.vmdk

3. create new vm and point to this new disk file and start vm, if all ok try to back up new vm.


0 Kudos

Thanks for your help,

looks like we have (also) a problem with the vCenter Database.

Today i powerded out a vm but the status in vsphere client didnt changed Smiley Sad

Could only start the vm with commandline, because vsphere client didnt recognized that the vm was powered off.

Transaction log was full. I made a backup and shrinked the database.

I will post if i know more.


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