VMware Horizon Community

Benachmark Virtual Desktop and enhanced Multimedia features

We are currently evaluating the vmware view product everything is working fine so far but I still have a few questions:

1. Multimedia

We are using a Wyse V10L Thin Client for connecting to the virtual desktop. For Office Applications this all works fine, but anything to do with multimedia palying video, using flash has reall bad qualitiy. We tried to enhance the Multimedia features by installing the Wyse TCX Multimedia Redirection but it still has not the qualitiy we want. Are there any other softwares to enhance the multimedia features? Or other Hardware (I've read a lot of panologic)? If integrated into vmware or not nevermind.

2. Benchmark

We are also looking for a benchmark, testing the virtual desktop particularly for graphic performance to campare with and without vmware tools, with and without TCX Multimedia Redirection. So far I haven't found any software specialized for virtual desktop the problem was that the common benchmark softare doesn't work with the dedicated virtual hardware. I have also found the vmark benchmark but this is more for business software and filesserver etc. We need a benchmark software for testing the virtual machines.

thanks for helping

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5 Replies


we have same problem with V10L.Actually TCX multimedia only support a few media formats:




WMV 7/8/9





and flash streaming is not supported. RDP version of WTOS has limited functionalities about multimedia optimization, we have compared V90L( XPe based) without any TCX multimedia licencse and has much better quality than WTOS because XPe has RDP v6 ...

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Thanks for your information. Today we received a Wyse Thin Client R90 with Windows XPe. I can approve, that even with no TCX Suite installed Videos with HD-Ready quality can be played in the virtual Desktop. Biggest benefit is the use of the RDP 6.0.

With TCX Suite installed we could Play a Full HD Video Full Screen on a DELL 24" monitor with a resolution of 1920 x 1200.

The full support of flash animation and flash videos by TCX Multimedia is still missing. Hopefully Wyse will do something about it.

I think the reason for the bad multimedia functionalities is the use of RDP 5.2 in WTOS 6.3 and the limited hardware being used of the WTOS devices.

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You will definately see a performance boost when using RDP 6.x.

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Performance boost: yes

But consider the Bugs that RDP6.x on XP based system has:

sometimes the , Windows Key Kombinations have the same problem. MS is aware of the bugs but won't change them because they are too deep in the code and would need a complete redesign (or something like that was the answer of MS to our call)

These bugs are not seen on WTOS (of course because they use an enhanced RDP 5.2 protocol) and even better for the user is that all key combinations work as if using a physical machine.

On the other hand I wonder why you want to use Virtual Desktops anyway if your 'ThinClients' need to be that fat so there is no saving?

Best Wishes

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Well does anyone know, when Wyse implements the rdp version 6.0 or 6.1 in their WTOS? For our purpose the wtos system was perfect, rather than taking the XPe which is more expensive and need more resources.

For our purpose the primary goal was not to reduce hardware cost. This is only a small diffrence between the cost of a Wyse V90L or R90L. The big save cost is the man power than can be massively reduced with the vmware view suite.

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