VMware Horizon Community

Noob: VMware view + Multimedia on latent links

Warning: Noob vmware-view user - please be gentle (I am very familar with esx, server and player - just not this VDI stuff. )

I have been looking for a solution to my RDP problems over slow xDSL wan links.

We are running multiple ms terminal services over RDP to service our remote branches for quite some time (RDESKTOP on Linux) - successfully - yet now have hit the "usual" snag of, not enough bandwidth = blocking redraw" for graphic display (read: flash, PDF scrolling, video playback, sound etc). This has become a particular problem due to a flash training system recently released and expected to be pushed to the remote branches.

I use esx35 in the datacenter for all of my servers - so started to think about vmware view.

Not having had ANYTHING to do do with vmware view - what I can gather iin a nutshell is:

  • vmware-view-client is a "replacement" to Remote Desktop Client - in that the workstation running vmware-view client on Windows (although I note linux dev: )

  • vmware-view-client connects to the Vmware-View manager server (located on a windows machie\ne running as a vm on ESX35)

  • this management server then allocates which "templated windows machine" session that is running on the esx server

  • all display, keyboard strokes, sound, usb, etc is transported from the VM, via vmware-view-management server to the vmware-view-client. (ah-la RDP to a terminal server)

Now.. if my understanding is correct.. here is my questions..

does Vmware-View-Client do any "smarts" to improve the display of client session data? ie. compression etc.

Will vmware-view-clients improve the performance of my sessions as against an RDP session? (latency is >=30-50mS)

I am aware that there are other products out there that replace the RDP session to imporve this (aka. Citrix Speedstream and a few other third party products which I am looking at), but considering that my problem is ONLY WAN performance (works fine in the Lan) - can I expect display improvement with vmware-view platform - or is it same/similar/worse than RDP?

note: RDP works PERFECTLTY for all the usual apps... it is just a problem for graphic apps.. so becomming a bigger problem.

I will download the eval if we should proceed - just wanted to ask the experts first.


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2 Replies


for general communication VMware uses RDP, so no, you won't get a better experience using VMware view. For improving performance you should allow the connection to be made between local host and VM directly and not use the inband option that always goes via the Connection Broker. the Broker then is used just to establish the connection and not to relais it over the session time.

Despite this VMware View will improve experience with Multimedia Content or USB-Redirection (you are able to use local connected USB-Devices as Devices like they were pluged into a real machine).

Best Wishes


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Thankyou - my question has been answered.

I appreciate the response.

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