VMware Horizon Community

PCoIP not available on VM

Hi there,

I began to implement a tiny View 5 environment this week and ran into one persistent problem:

I prepared a pre-exiting XP SP3 VM (re-installed Tools before installing the View Agent), set up a manual pool for the VM, assigned a user etc, but cannot connect to the Desktop with PCoIP. Event DB says: Unable to launch from Pool POOL1 for user domain\vmclient01: There were no machines available that reported protocol [PCOIP] as ready. The client I try to connect with states the display protocol isn't available. Connecting to the same desktop with RDP works well. Windows Firewall on the desktop is disabled.

I can connect with PCoIP to all freshly deployed Desktops in another, automated pool though, so there should be no problem on the view manager / connection server side.

Any hints highly appreciated.

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8 Replies

A manual pool refers to physical machines with the View Agent installed on them.

So you have your machine in the office... pcxxxx.

You install the agent in it, set up the manual pool , and then add pcxxxx to that pool. If your computer does not support PCoIP (ie. does not have a PCoIP card) you will not be able to use PCoIP to connect to it.

**Edit: Thats True mittim. Traditionally I create manual pools for physical machines, but you are right, it says it right there that VMs are supported as well. Its for pre-existing machines. Sorry for the erroneous info.

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A manual pool doesn't mean just physical desktops and can easily contain virtual machines that should work with PCOIP.   When you installed the View agent did you make sure all of the PCOIP components were selected?  

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That's what I thought: A vCenter VM is a valid member of a manual pool.

Yes, I accepted the default components when installing view agent, that is all components but "PCoIP Smartcard".

On the VM desktop I have

wsnm.exe listening on 32111 tcp and 1041 udp

wsnm_jms.exe connected to the View Manager server on 4001 tcp

tpvcgateway.exe listening on 4000 tcp

Those ports are pretty much the same (apart from wsnm using port 1034 instead of 1041 udp) on a desktop in another pool which works with PCoIP.

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You don't by chance have the default display protocol set to RDP and then not allowing users to change it.   That would in essence disable PCOIP. 

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No, I have not adjusted the protocol settings like this. And I don't think it would spawn an error that PCoIP isn't available.

We can't (accidentially) disable protocols on the agent side, can we?

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I am getting intermittent issues with a similar error;

Unable to launch from Pool XXXXXX for user domain\username: Machine XXXXXX did not report protocol [PCOIP] as ready

This is a floating manual pool.   Its always seen when connecting to a disconnected session.    Repeated attempts can then be successful.

I have pcoip set as default protocol and deny users the choice of protocol.   Agents are all 5.0 but we do have mostly 4.6 clients inside our office.

My suspicion is that its an issue in the connection server itself and how it deals with many simultaneous connection requests, as when I added another replica server and balanced the load the issue reduced in frequency, but did not stop altogether.    We don't see the issue at all when going through the security server via pcoip.     This seems to be a relatively new issue, none of the similar threads have too many responses.

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

I understand this is very old post But there is a registry Entry that can be used  but commenting so that someone else can be helped

VMware KB: PCoIP connections fail to desktops with multiple network adapters in VMware Horizon View ...

Regards Gaurav Baghla Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer. https://twitter.com/garry_14
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Got this problem on Security gateway while internal connection is fine.  Resolved by removing a few Microsoft security update on the security server - KB2982378, KB2973112, KB2972211, KB2894844.

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