VMware Horizon Community

autocad slow cursor movement in view 5

Hello ,all:

I am facing problem in Autocad 2008 software.

Cursor is moving  slow in  Autocad drawing area

but when i move cursor away from drawing area  ,for example  on toolbars ,desktop or any other place, it is working fine.

it also  works fine in other programs.

Only in autocad  drawing area, the mouse movement becomes slow

can anyboy help me to solve this issue.

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10 Replies


What is version of VMware view.

Is PCOIP being used

Is 3D enabled.

What is vedio RAM set to , follow this KB http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=103100...

Follow this KB http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=201035...

Also refer this VMware youtube tv for performance  tuning  for PCOIP         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vKwZQknMJ8



Mohammed | Mark it as helpful or correct if my suggestion is useful.

Thanks for answer.

view client version is: e.x.p build-901917

ESX version is :5.1.0(Vmkernel Release Build 914609)

using PCoIP

our autocad is using for 2d design ,and  not set up   3d support for the vm (os:windows xp sp3) in vsphere client .

video RAM is set to  128M.

I have done all above ,but the problem is not solved.

It seems that  autocad drawing area dispays well only the cursor can't catch up with mouse movement.

Is there any optimization about mouse speed?

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In View we use an "Absolute" mouse, that mean that basically we send the mouse XY to the View session that then moves and updated the mouse accordingly.

Some applications (like autocad) and especially games (think FPS-games like Unreal etc) use relative mouse, that means that every movement of the mouse is relative to what it was before.

In Autocad that means that you could rotate you model as long as you can move the mouse.

So currently there is no way to enable "Relative mouse" in View, the good news that this will be possible in an upcoming version (Can't mention timelines).

If this is urgent, please contact your local salesteam/SE and then we will try to accomodate you.

Btw, the version of your View-client is not officially released and supported one, so you should update the client to the latest supported version.


// Linjo

Best regards, Linjo Please follow me on twitter: @viewgeek If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".
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Is there any temp version for test?

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As stated earlier, if this is urgent, please contact your local salesteam/SE and then we will try to accomodate you.

// Linjo

Best regards, Linjo Please follow me on twitter: @viewgeek If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".
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I found a temporay fix that seems to work well. If you go to VMware  options -> keyboard + mouse settings, edit the profile, then click on  the General tab, and change the dropdown menu to say "never optimize  mouse for games"

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That is not an option in View that I have seen, are you not talking about VMware Workstation?

// Linjo

Best regards, Linjo Please follow me on twitter: @viewgeek If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".
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I think there is something wrong with PCoIP or pcoip needs some optimization,

because when I open a console of a vm in vsphere client, mouse in autocad performs well.

Only in view client, it gets worse.

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i'm facing the same issue. Mouse is very slow, lagging, jumping, like if a magnet attached in Autocad and some other CAD applications.

We are using NVIDIA K1 graphical adapters in VSGA and VDGA mode and two modes presents the same behavior.

relative or absolute mouse doesn't improve the mouse precision. Some small tips in Autocad and PCoIP improve a little bit but not enough.

My customer is going to stop the project if we don't find a solution (600 users).

tips are :

- Cursor is slow or jerky in AutoCAD | AutoCAD | Autodesk Knowledge Network

- AutoCAD mouse lagging, stuttering, delay and video acceleration - Spiceworks

- VMware KB: Erratic mouse movement causes issues with VMware Horizon View 5.2 PCoIP connections

Grimbuhler Stéphane (VCP, VCAP-DCA, VCI) www.virtualgeek.ch (My virtualization blog)
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Hot Shot
Hot Shot

I've recently set up a deployment that works very well with both Autocad, Solidworks and Catia. We used:

nVidia K2 Cards with vDGA

Apex 2800 Acceleration cards

vSphere 5.5 and View 5.3 is definitely a requirement, even though the implementation guide lacks this specification

Endpoints are Teradici zero clients or clients with client side caching enabled

Win7 x64 only, Reserve all Memory for VMs, 8GB, 4x vCPU

Pool set to use vSphere settings for memory

Lots of network bandwidth, sometimes 14,15 Mbps per session depending on what they're doing.

Here's a few things to try:

The big thing is make sure you have some kind of graphics backend. 3D CAD in View without Grid cards is like trying to drag race with a 1980's Toyota Tercel. vDGA preferred for this workload based on my experience; more predictable. 

Try setting the PCoIP max framerate to 120, and lifting the max throughput to 90000.

Pubs links here: VMware View 5.2 Documentation Library

Try reducing the minimum image quality to 40 from 50 and the maximum image quality to 80 from 90

VMware View 5.2 Documentation Library

If you have Teradici based endpoints, try with those.

Monitor the CPU utilization, the PCoIP server in the VM will go nuts when streaming high bandwith apps/video. This can be offloaded with the APEX2800 card, worth calling to see if it helps.

Be sure you're using VMXNET3 NIC in guest.

Below are some other optimizations I found in my notes:

Performance tweaks:

1. Enabling relative mouse on the View Client (5.3 only)

2. VMXNET3 FastSendDatagramThreshold for video performance



     Type: REG_DWORD

     Value: 1500


3. For CAD IF AND ONLY IF lag during spinning and turning of objects with CATIA, up the max framerate

     HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware SVGA DevTap\MaxAppFrameRate

     Value: MaxAppFrameRate


    (default is 30)

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