VMware Horizon Community

vSphere 4.1

Dear all,

I did the update and I can tell you that know I have huge problems.

The View Manager is not able to delete or provision VM's. Provisioning is not the point but deleting is really essential.

I had a VM which was in Error state and the user couldn't connect. So i tried to delete, but the VM only shutdown and nothing else.

Now I have the error: "VM couldn't be deleted - Null" and I have no idea how to solve the problem.

The User is now working with RDP directly on his VM but I hope that I don't get more VM's with this error.

Does anybody has a clue to solve this problem?

Thank you very much!


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2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

Currently View is not compatible with vSphere 4.1, this is stated in the documentation - http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/docs/vSphere_Comp_Matrix.pdf

Here is blog post by Dave regarding other gotchas - http://www.dailyhypervisor.com/2010/07/15/a-few-gotchas-with-vsphere-4-1/


William Lam

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As lamw has stated they are currently some compatibility issues regarding View 4 and vSphere 4.1. The big one is the fact that vSphere 4.1 requires a 64 bit vCenter server which isn't currently supported by View Composer. Of course it would only make sense that View 4.5 will have the needed support but I have no idea when that will be released.

You can search the forums for people running composer on 64 bit as I think a few people have tried it. If it's an emergency you may want to try to contact VMware support to see if they can give you best effort.

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