VMware Cloud Community

V.U.M Repositories

Hi All,

Quick question, We doesnt have any dedicated server to use VUM at the moment so We had VUM Repositories setup on our VC Server (VM) on C: drive, Now the Drive is nearly full. How easy and best way i can reconfigure those repositories and Move it to another drive on the same or another server ? there is another drive on the server which got 80GB still free space. Any recomendation will be appreciated.



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1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Raj,

a few lines below there is a topic about changing VUM repository. Try this workaround and it could be what you need.

in a few words - change <patchStore> tag(into vci-integrity.xml) content to point the new location/drive and and move the repository there

Another option that is clean and reliable is to reinstall VUM. You can use it also if you don't have a lot of baselines created, settings to change, etc. During the initial VUM installaion there is a screen with option to select location for repository - select 80 GB drive there and you are ready. 80 GB are more than enough



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