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VCAP5-DCA exam today - Performance issues

I sat the DCA exam today, and it was PAINFULLY slow. I only made it through 22 tasks.

This is the first time I sat for this exam, and I am a little frustrated because there was nothing on the exam that I didn't know how to complete. When I was down to the < 1 minute mark, I went ahead and scanned ahead at the remaining tasks, and there was nothing that I would have had difficulty performing properly. The only reason I ran out of time was because of the lab performance. I was literally praying for the next task to be command-line capable so that I didn't have to wait for the screen refresh. It took almost 45 seconds at one point (i timed it) for the screen to properly redraw in an RDP window.

I'm just frustrated because I dropped $400 on the exam, and I might have just failed it simply because of the performance issues and not because of a lack of preparation on my part.


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5 Replies


Where did you take the exam? (where on our blue ball of a planet, that is) And can you provide me with the facility name? (email me directly at lbourque@vmware.com)

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That's worse that my experience. Mine was slow too but still tolerable.

|| VCAP5 - DCA, VCP 5 and a slew of Microsoft certs. || If you find this answer useful, please consider awarding points by marking the answer correct or helpful. Thank you.
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I had a similar experience. I just wanted to let you know I only was able to answer 18 questions eventhough I knew several more as well. I passed with a 352. If you feel like you did well on the 22 tasks I'm sure you passed!

Garret DeWulf Professional Services / VMware Consultant / VCP 4&5 / www.veristor.com
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Thanks gman.. Smiley Happy You give me hope!

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Sounds exactly like my experience, except I ended up shooting myself in the foot and breaking my access to the lab for a while. I figured the only way I would finish is to rocket through everything, and it was definitely a bad idea.

20.5ish questions answered when all was said and done. Gman, I sure hope we skipped similar tasks!

-Andy VCAP5-DCA, VCP-DV 4/5, MCSE, space camp graduate.
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