VMware Cloud Community

Error when creating vswitch

We're building two new servers and I've got the networking all done on one. Now I'm mirroring it on the second

box with different IPs as needed. But when I try to create my vswitch2 for Vmotion I'm getting the following error.

"error during the configuration of the host: SysinfroException: Node (VSI_NODE_net_tcpip_plumb); Status(bad0005)=

Already exists; Message=Unable to set"

Anyone seen this before?

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We're building two new servers and I've got the networking all done on one. Now I'm mirroring it on the second

box with different IPs as needed. But when I try to create my vswitch2 for Vmotion I'm getting the following error.

"error during the configuration of the host: SysinfroException: Node (VSI_NODE_net_tcpip_plumb); Status(bad0005)=

Already exists; Message=Unable to set"

Anyone seen this before?

You're creating 2 vmknics on the same subnet, which is prohibited with ESX 3.5.


Ok, but then how did it work on the first server we built?

The VMKernel has a Gateway setting on the DNS and Routing Tab. If I put Vmotion on a separate IP range

that Gateway is still hardcoded. Wouldn't that prevent the migration? This is our current config

Server 1:

vSwitch0 - vswif0 - (gateway 0.1)

vswitch 1 - vswif1 - (gateway 0.1)

- VMkernel -

vswitch2 - VMKernel (Vmotion) -

Server 2 -

vswitch 0 - vswif0 -

vswitch 1 - vswif1 -

- VMkernel -

When I try to add vswitch 2 I get the error. We're doing software iSCSI hence the SC2 attached to the first VMkernel portgroup.

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What happens if your poor and only got one subnet? Smiley Happy

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The vMotion network should be a closed network segment not shared with any other trafffic. This could be a VLAN or dedicated switch or in the case of two ESX servers a simple back-to-back cable. In this case you can use any unroutable IP address you like not used by the other interfaces.

It is a fact that ESX 3.5 doesn't accept having 2 different vmnics on the same subnet anymore, earlier versions did not enforce the rule.

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