VMware Cloud Community

ESX Volleyball

Let's play!

In the front court it's ESX 1 vs ESX 2

Middle Court is ESX 3 vs ESX 4

ESX 1 tosses VM1 to ESX 2, who then volleys back to ESX 1, and ESX 1 throws VM1 over to ESX 3, who volleys to ESX 4, this goes on for 2 or 3 volleys, and then the VM1 goes back to the front court.

Sound like fun?

This all takes place in a span of less than 2 hours.

Is this normal?

I have 5 ESX servers, and 1 VM got tossed between 4 of the ESX servers probably 10 times in less than 2 hours, and it was the ONLY VM being migrated during that time. This VM is standard size like the other VM's.

I guess you could say it was more hot potato than volleyball, because the VM was being treated like the red headed step child.

In all this time, I haven't seen this before, but I wondered if anyone has seen a VM move so much in such a short time.

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4 Replies

Do you have by chance created some exotic affinity rules or VM-based configuration options in your DRS setup that could explain such behavior?

Twitter: @VFrontDe, @ESXiPatches | https://esxi-patches.v-front.de | https://vibsdepot.v-front.de
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I don't have any rules, and this only started yesterday.

Also, this is pretty much the only VM that is moving, that's the odd part.

If ALL the VM's started migrating, I would be more concerned, but this is the only one.

I did try turning off this VM (by telling the rules to ignore it) and the migrations stopped, once I turned it back on, this VM started migrating again, it's really odd.

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How aggressive do you have DRS set to? Have you tried turing it down?


Hmm... I did have it middle of the road, then I changed it to more aggressive (2+ stars). Maybe I should go back to more conservative.


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