VMware Cloud Community

Health status sometimes shows unknown


We here have three Sun Fire X4150 with ESX 3.5.0 (110268) running. Virtual Center is running with local database in a VM with MS Server 2003 R2.

We have the problem, that soemtimes the health status of the servers is shown as "unknown". Sometimes it´s regarding only one server, sometimes two - never saw all three "unknown". After a few minutes it refreshes back again to "normal".

I have already restarted the vmware management service and also rebooted the complete servers. But that did not change anything - still the "unknown" comes and goes.

Does anyone has some ideas what we can do to ged rid of this issue?

thx & br


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3 Replies

Check to ensure that your host file contains all the hosts and the vCenter FQDN names here: /etc.hosts

You can also try removing the hosts from vCenter and readding them.

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The hosts file contained already the names of the ESX hosts, i have now also added the vCenter FQDN.

I have removed the hosts already in the past to try to solve this issue, that didnt work.

We will have to wait a little bit to see if adding the vCenter FQDN has already solved our problem.

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OK, unfortunately this wasnt the solution for our problem. A few minutes after editing the hosts file, one host was "unknown" again. I then restartet vmware management service on all servers to ensure that hosts file is "loaded" in the right version (no idea if this was necessary, but I tried) - but still again there is a host (another) on "unknown" status.

When I check the detail page under configuration - health status, there is only the Memory "normal". All other components are "unknown". After a few minutes, all lights are green again - without doing anything.

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