VMware Cloud Community

Update Manager - Problems while scanning hosts and ....


I have problems with the update manager.

Patch-Download to the repository is working fine, but when I scan an ESX-Host for updates, the task fails

=> Failed to scan xxxxxxxxxx for updates

=> Path metadata for xxxxxxxxxxxx missing. please download first


DEBUG: summary: /usr/sbin/esxupdate --HA --flushcache -d scan

DEBUG: root: Enabling hostagent interface

DEBUG: db: dbfile = , 45 keys

DEBUG: Depot: Download Rules: {'blacklist': '.rpm', '/headers'], 'exclusives': [}

ERROR: root: IOError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found:

ERROR: hostagent: BundleID:Unknown

ERROR: hostagent: File:[http://rz2vcs001.blue-net.lan:8000/vci/hostupdates/hostupdate/esx/esx-3.5.0/contents.xml.sig]

ERROR: hostagent: Extra:()

any ideas?

I tried a lot to get it work, but without success 😕

I have reinstalled the update manager, I deleted the old database, I changed the port in the vci-integrity.xml (<PatchDepotUrl>[http://virtualcenterserver:virtualcenter-http-port/vci/hostupdates/hostupdate]</PatchDepotUrl>)

UpdateManager is running on the same machine as the virtual center. Port 80 is used by IIS on this machine ... Port 8000 is the http-port of the virtual center ..

I also tried to register new mime-types but it´s not working ..

The next thing I want to do is to update the virtual center to 2.5.0 Update 3, and also update the other components .

But then I have to update vmware-tools on all vms (that are 112 vms argh)

Please help Smiley Wink

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6 Replies

When you installed vCenter did you change any ports? I had this when I changed port 80 to 81, I had to either change firewall settings on each host or change the IIS port on vCenter to 81, I did the later of the two, so IIS was port 81 then all was well. Optionally remove IIS, is there a reason why you have it installed?

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Yes, I installed the Vcenter and I had to change the http port to port 8000, because port 80 is in use by IIS ..

The firewall on all esx hosts is disabled (allowincoming, allowoutgoing)..

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eeek port 80 for ESX then 81 for IIS otherwise change via esxcfg-firewall to enable the port on each host for port 81 or 8000 if not being used already

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as I said, we are not using the firewall so I don´t have to enable ports ...

the server are in our LAN, there is also no other firewall between esx and virtual_center server ..

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Does that file actually exist? It'll be located in "c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\vmware\update manager\data" by default. What version of Update Manager do you have? With Update 3, if you're missing patches from the patch repository, Update Manager will re-download the missing patches (assuming you run the Update Manager scheduled task). If you don't have Update Manager U3, then you will probably need to do the following:

- delete the patch respository

- uninstall update manager

- reinstall update manager but specify to reinitialize the database

- wait until update signature finishes

- try again

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Hi, I´m using the update manager version which comes with vc 2.5.0 build 104263

the folder c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\vmware\update manager\data is empty !

The repository is located at another location (D:\VMware Update Repository) ..

There are 2 files (vm-meta-akbzgooiwtwdqkfa.iso, vm-meta-wzdatldzmpaqfbmi.iso) and 2 folders (hostupdate, metadata)..

But under "D:\VMware Update Service Repository\hostupdate\esx\esx-3.5.0" there are no .sig or .xml files..

just folders with updates (for example: ESX350-200803201-UG, ESX350-Update03, etc ...)

I have already deleted the repository and reinstalled the update manager with option reinitialize the database ..

I can not install update manager U3 without virtual center 2.5.0 U3 !http://communities.vmware.com/images/emoticons/sad.gif!

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