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Verying if Update 2 is installed or not?

Hello Everyone,

I have few ESX 3.5 Servers with build 113339. Does build number indicates that update 2 is already installed on these boxes? Else how can I verify if update 2 is installed on these boxes or not?


Jitendra Kumar

MCSE 2003, VCP, CCNA, ITIL Foundation, Netapp NS0-153

VCP, MCSE 2003, MCITP Enterprise Admin, CCNA, ITIL Foundation, Netapp NS0-153 (Storage Networking) Personal Website - http://www.virtualizationtrainings.com, http://www.hillsindia.com
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7 Replies

go to your console on ESX and type> esxupdate query

That should give you clues as to what bundles and update packages have been installed.

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Follow this link to "download" site, where you can see correlation between Update numbers and build numbers.

For both, ESX hosts and Virtual center,

Hope this helps


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i could be wrong about this...I find the whole vmware build number thing a bit confusing, but can't you have the same build number even if you don't have a certain Update installed (ie, update 2 or update 3)? For ex, the poster said that his build # is 113339. Doesn't that just mean that he has the corresponding patches installed from the download site....and not necessarily indicating which Update platform he is on?

Slap me if I'm nuts.

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ok, I just reread my post and that seems confusing. All I am asking is....

Is it possible to have an ESX 3.5 build # of xxxx and be on either Update 2 or Update 3? If so, then it seems the only way to completely verify what Update platform you are on would be to run a query of installed bundles....

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I could be mistaken, but my understanding is that with Update 2 and all bunch of patches your build will still be lower than Update 3 (123630).

It will be somewhere between 110268 (update2) and 123630 (Update3).


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I know build 113339 is the 9/18 patch releases which came after Update 2.

I would check though esxupdate -l query to see the specific bundles installed

www.thevirtualheadline.com www.liquidwarelabs.com
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Your build number tells you your build release of the vmkernel. You may not have all the patches for Update 2, however, most have requriements.

esxupdate -l query | grep -i update

would be the way to determine if Update 2 was installed.

Best regards,

Edward L. Haletky

VMware Communities User Moderator


Author of the book 'VMWare ESX Server in the Enterprise: Planning and Securing Virtualization Servers', Copyright 2008 Pearson Education.

SearchVMware Blog: http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/virtualization-pro/

Blue Gears Blogs - http://www.itworld.com/ and http://www.networkworld.com/community/haletky

As well as the Virtualization Wiki at http://www.astroarch.com/wiki/index.php/Virtualization

Edward L. Haletky
vExpert XIV: 2009-2023,
VMTN Community Moderator
vSphere Upgrade Saga: https://www.astroarch.com/blogs
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Texiwill
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