VMware Cloud Community

aacraid_esx30 and Adaptec SAS-3405


I'm experimenting with the 30-day evaluation license of ESX Server 3.0.2-52542 and I'm having a difficult time installing it because of my Adaptec SAS-3405 SAS controller. Upon booting the installer in text mode, the message "Loading aacraid_esx30 driver..." appears for about 5 minutes before asking me to test the install CD. I selected "Skip", and then the same "Loading aacraid_esx30 driver..." message returned for many more minutes. Eventually, this too timed out and the installer continued. I also have an IDE disk in the machine and this is the only drive listed when installation reaches the Partitioning step. This is insufficient since it leaves me with nowhere to store guest VM images.

I came across a forum post entitled "aacraid_esx30 / Adaptec RAID 2120S" where somebody else had the same problem. No resolution is posted, however. I have updated the firmware on my motherboard and the Adaptec SAS controller to the latest available versions, and the problem persists. Adaptec lists ESX Server 3 as supporting the SAS-3405 with no additional driver needed.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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14 Replies

Hi John, any progress in this issue?. I want to build ESX whitebox using the same Adaptec 3405 SAS controller, but unfortunately I did not found any success stories about 3405 SAS to be working on ESX 3.x neither on community forum nor on web :(.



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Hi Tony,

The only progress I have to report is that Adaptec told me they have no plans to support 3.0.2. Apparently it works with 3.0.1, though.



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Thanks John, Its good to hear indeed! Have you successfully tested 3.0.1 or older release on your HW configuration then? What ware the results? Actually Adaptec has not officially declared any speciffic ESX version in technical sheet for this card (only general information there). I'm quite afraid of buying this card without beeing sure if if will work or not.

Thank's a lot,

Br, Tony

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Hi Tony,

I'm afraid I have not tested any other release. While this card works fine with Linux, I have not successfully used it with ESX Server. I would advise against buying it.

Good luck,


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Thank's very much for you spot Jon,

I think I'm going to risk and buy this card. (It will take approx 1-2 weeks according to shipment conditions - to Czech republic). I'm going to try several releases and post the results here - maybe that will bring any significant resolution... Finally, VMware announced to include official support for SATA (in release information) - I'm quite curious about what this will bring.

Thank you once again,


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I look forward to seeing the results.


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I have a Adaptec RAID SAS 3405 that runs on a VMware ESX 3.0.2 build 52542 with two SATA disc on 500GB; issues: i get MPS found but host is using PIC on my box but i think this error has nothing to do with my Adaptec RAID SAS 3405 because it's up and runing now with vm's.

I think the MPS error has something to do with my junk motherboard.

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Did you ever get anywhere with this problem?

I've got the exact same issue with an Adaptec 2420SA and ESX Server 3.5.

Cheers, Matt
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Unfortunatly I have the same problem with esx server 3.01 and 3.5. The latest information about this says that 3405 is not supported by vmware. Adaptec support already is thinking about this problem.

If that come true it would be a shame. I believed Adaptec product info about the compatiblity. Has anyone an idea or knows anything alternative? I habe already a intel board s5000v with 3 hotplug sas drives. Costs should be limited. RAID 5 is a must.

Any help?



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Hi guys,

This problem has also reared it's ugly head for me as well. I am using an Adaptec 3805 with a combination of SAS and SATA drives, each in their own RAID 5 groups. The exact same thing of "loading aacraid_esx30 driver..." for 5-10 mins, coming up to the skip CD test, wait another 5-10 mins and then the install complains it can find no hard drives AT ALL. This is of course AFTER looking at the IO compatibilty PDF from VMware stating explicitly that this controller is supported. :smileyangry:

I am really not impressed. If it's not true or has not been thoroughly tested, I would suggest that VMware please remove it from the documentation as I have invested another $350+ in a card I did not need.

Currently I am using an Intel S5000VSA board with it's own SATA RAID controller on it as well (it's disabled). When it's enabled, ESX does not see the raid, only individual drives...and although this controller is not in the list of compatible controllers it actually sees more than the supposed compatible controller!

Looks like I will not be purchasing ESX after all...

If anyone has any additional info that might help this work, please advise. Thanks!

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Just an update from my end, I pursued Adaptec support about this who offered a few suggestions. Tried them, didn't work - and from that point on they've been ignoring my (repeated) e-mails.

Not impressed...

Cheers, Matt
0 Kudos


a solution was allready found. These Adaptec Controller works very fine but it require a update of the motherboard BIOS. Please go to the intel homepage downloading new BIOS. Thanks to the Adaptec Support, too - but I use my press contacts....



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Can you offer more specifics about the motherboard BIOS update, please?

(Motherboard type, BIOS version, and what exactly is being fixed...)

Thanks in advance.

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Dear Jubalkessler,

now I'm back from CeBit, Germany.

Because Adaptec SAS 3405 is a 4 lane Card you need a upgrade of BIOS because on motherboard there is a 8 lane slot. BIOS-Update on Intel Board like s5000VSA is very easy. Put in the CD and allow a update, internet access assumed. Manual update is available on

Second, You need a actual update of BIOS on SAS 3405, available on internet site of Adaptec.Onboard controller on motherboard is disabled. More information uprading BIOS you will find on Intel and Adaptec documentation. It is important for Vmware esx server that you use the right combination of motherboard and controller. Maybe other motherboard than Intel may not work. More information about compatibility you will find on vmware home page.

Greetings, Frank

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