VMware Cloud Community

Clear fault, but health score still 0?

I had 2 faults that changed my health to 0.

I removed the faults last week,  yet the faults in is still showing as 100 and the health 0.   When I click on the 100 faults,  it does not reveal any faults.

What is the proper way to acknowledge faults and get the health score to reflect this?



-MattG If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".
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4 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Unfortunately this is an issue (bug) with the product. It happens in some rare situations.

It is under investigation, but there is no clear resolution to date.

I'll write back when we have a solution.

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Has there been any resolution to this?  We are having the same issue...



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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

not yet

there is a workaround, which proves useful for some cases which you can try:

Check to ensure that the individual faults are configured to be generated from Configuration > Badges & Alerts > Alert Management > “Generate alerts on individual faults.”  A restart of services is likely necessary once the change is made.  Once configured/restarted, you should be able to see the list of alerts so they may be canceled from the Alerts tab.

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That worked for me.  (No service restart needed)

I looked and our was set to already generate individual alerts, so i tried turning that off (for infrastructure and vm alerts), exiting out of the configuration window and then reloading the page.

That did clear the red 100 fault count message.  I went back into the configuration and re-enabled and then reloaded page again and the fault count was still cleared.

Thanks for the quick response.


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