Welcome to the VMware Cloud Director extension for VMware Data Solutions Beta Program!

We thank you for participating in this early access program and helping us define the outlook of VMware Data Solutions offering through VMware Cloud Director. You will have early access to new features and technologies as part of this Beta program. We will consider these features and technologies for future releases and may integrate them into future product offerings.

Please review the documents available in Data Solutions extension Beta Documents to understand the scope of new features.

Use Data Solutions extension Beta Discussions to discuss privately with fellow beta members, ask questions and collaborate about anything related to the product i.e. functionality, performance, usability, etc. Our goal is to receive your constructive feedback during the beta program to provide the best possible solution in a future release.

Thank you for your active contribution and participation in this Beta program community.
Available Downloads
Beta closed on Jul 18th, 2023. Visit VMware Cloud Director extension for VMware Data Solutions 1.2 GA

Software Requirements
  • VCD 10.4 or newer
  • CSE 4.0.2, 4.0.3 or CSE 4.1 Beta

Please refer to Install guide for the installation of Data Solutions extension to your VCD instance.

  1. In addition to VMware RabbitMQ, Postgres, and MySQL support, VMware Cloud Director extension for VMware Data Solutions 1.2 Beta allows provider to onboard MongoDB Enterprise and MongoDB Community as data solutions to tenant customers.
  2. Provider controls which customers can consume the data solution.
  3. Tenant customers deploy multiple instances of MongoDB to CSE provisioned TKGm clusters with simple UI clicks.
  4. Tenant customers view instance metrics from Grafana integration.

Please refer to Test flows for the detail test flows of the product.
Please refer to Troubleshooting guide for log collection and troubleshooting of the product.
Known Limits and Caveats
1. TLS support for MongoDB Enterprise Standalone type is not supported.
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