VMware Communities

Audio problem (MOTU Traveler & Fusion)

I ran into a problem when trying to use my MOTU Traveler which was installed on the Mac side. I need to use it on the PC side for recording through Sony Acid Pro 6 & Soundforge 9. I can get the sound to come out of the MOTU (from what I assume is the shared sound capability of Fusion), but I need the ins and outs to be available in Acid & Soundforge. The only option that shows up is the Microsoft Sound Mapper which doesn't do me any good. I tried installing the MOTU PC drivers, but ended up with the "blue screen of death" when doing so. Is there a way I can get this to work? Thanks in advance for any help!

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3 Replies

The MOTU Traveler's a Firewire device, right? Fusion (and all virtualization platforms to my knowledge) don't support Firewire devices in the guest.

What exactly do you mean by "need the ins and outs to be available in Acid & Soundforge"?

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Good to know. By In's and Out's, I meant the 8 input's and output's on the MOTU Traveler. Do you know if USB audio dvice's work? I might just pick up the M-Audio Fasttrack as a replacement.

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By In's and Out's, I meant the 8 input's and output's on the MOTU Traveler.

I'm not familiar with the MOTU traveler, so this doesn't mean much to me, but if they need to show up an anything except a standard line in/out (and maybe even if they do), I doubt they would work.

Do you know if USB audio dvice's work?

Yes, USB audio devices should work. Be aware that there's some latency involved in virtualizing USB; it sounds like you're trying to do some serious audio work, and a virtual environment might simply be unsuitable. If so, try Boot Camp.

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