VMware Communities

Can't get dual monitors to work

I'm runnimg Windows 7 Home Pro (Installed on a Bootcamp partition) in Fusion 4.1.4 under the latest version of Moutain Lion. I have a dual external monitor setup (Mac Pro) and I prefer to be able to work in dual monitor full screen mode rather than use Unity, that is to say I don't want to have my Windows environment cluttered with OSX elements.. When I choose "Use All Dispalys in Full Screen" from the View Menu, my secondary moiitor gets the infamous full screen canvas thrown over it by  OSX, and there is nothing I can put on this screenI (typical OSX Full Screen behavior). I have reisntalled VMWare tools, to no avail.  Both monitors show up (as non-PNP monitors) in the Windows Resulution dialog box, and I have the "Extend these diplays" option selected there. Any ideas?

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5 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Does you mean that you want to show the Windows on the extented monitor in Full Screen mode, and on the other monitor it still be OS X?

If so, select the View -> Use Single Display in Full Screen.

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No, I want to have Wndows on both of my monitors.

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

You can try this workaround: switch the VM to other view mode, then switch back to Full Screen mode. It will make both monitors show guest UI in Fusion 5. I'm not sure it can work on Fusion 4. Just for your reference. : )


I have done ithis mutiple times, without success.

I hesitate to shell out $50 for Fusion 5 just to get this functionalty. Are there an substantial imprvements over 4? I don't game and don't plan to install Windows 8.

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akadmon wrote: I hesitate to shell out $50 for Fusion 5 just to get this functionalty.

DO NOT under any circumstances whatsoever purchase any release of VMware Fusion (or Parallels for that matter) without first testing the release with the free trial serial number to make sure it is not problematic on your system and meets your needs/wants! Smiley Wink  Also if upgrading make sure you make a proper* backup of your Virtual Machines before upgrading so as to be able to restore to a known good working Virtual Machine if necessary and you decide not to purchase and need to reinstall the previous version.

* It is a known fact that Time Machine is not 100% reliable backing up/restoring Virtual Machines under all circumstances/conditions.  Also backing up Virtual Machines via Time Machine is disk/time intensive and wastes a tremendous amount of space for something that may be corrupt and worthless come time to restore it.  At a minimum I would exclude Virtual Machines from Time Machine and with the Virtual Machines shutdown, not suspended, and VMware Fusion closed then manually copy the Virtual Machines Package(s) to an alternate location, preferably on to a different physical hard disk.  Then keep the User Data that is stored within the Virtual Machine backed up off of the Virtual Machine on a regular basis so as to always have a current User Data Backup.  If you have to restore a properly backed up Virtual Machine that is not as current at least you'll have a working Virtual Machine and current User Data to go forward with when you find out your Time Machine Backup of the Virtual Machine fails.

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