VMware Communities

Connect existing hard disk on Fusion

Hi Folks,

I have a MS Server 2003 image that I setup in Workstation Fusion on my Mac.

Disk space started running low so I used the vdisk manager to increase the size of the disk.

It seemed to run fine, but when I booted up image, it couldn't find the harddisk, and I can't seem to browse to it (can only get to the machine file, not within to the actual vmdk file)

I tried deleting the hard disk using the settings, and adding it back, but it only allows me to create t new hard disk, not add an existing one.

The documentation suggests it is possible, but I don't see quite the same gui.

I'm thinking it might be a difference between workstation for windows and the fusion beta for mac.

So, can anyone tell me how to get my machine working again?

(before I create a new one with ample disk space and re-do all my work)

Right now I'm stuck with 1) a machine that won't boot because it can't find an OS and 2) a lot of hard work in a .vmdk that I can't attach to my machine.

Much appreciated - Wayne.

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2 Replies

Disk space started running low so I used the vdisk manager to increase the size of the disk.

It seemed to run fine, but when I booted up image, it couldn't find the harddisk

The most common cause of this is running vmware-vdiskmanager as root - this is unnecessary and makes the resulting file owned by root. To fix this, change the vmdk's owner back to yourself by doing a Get Info in the Finder.

I can't seem to browse to it (can only get to the machine file, not within to the actual vmdk file)

I'm not sure what you mean by machine file, but I assume you mean the vmwarevm bundle. To browse to the vmdk file in the Finder, Ctrl-click on the bundle and select Show Package Contents. Then you can fix the owner as described above.

I'm thinking it might be a difference between workstation for windows and the fusion beta for mac.

Yes, Workstation and Fusion are different products, with different target markets, and at different stages of maturity.

I tried deleting the hard disk using the settings, and adding it back, but it only allows me to create t new hard disk, not add an existing one.

AFAIK the only way to add an existing vmdk to an existing VM is to edit the vmx file inside the vmwarevm bundle. To do this:

1. Add a new disk to your VM. This is so you have something to look at and get the syntax correct. You need to pick the same type of disk (IDE/SCSI) that you had before; the default for W2K3 is SCSI.

2. Open the vmx file in a text editor

3. Find the line describing the disk you just added (it'll say something like "scsiX:Y" or "ideX:Y") and look for the fileName parameter. Change it to your existing vmdk.

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Thanks for the help.

I will try this week and see what happens.


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