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Files Gone Missing

I'm running Windows XP on my Mac with Fusion. Recently, I used a drag-and-drop to move a few folders' worth of files over to the XP side. Unfortunately, they all seem to have dissapeared. Sadly, I seem to have deleted the originals. Am I entirely out of luck?

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4 Replies

Did the Drag & Drop operation complete successfully? In other words where the files present in the Virtual Machine before you deleted them on the Host?

FWIW When you D & D from the Host to the Guest the file(s) is(are) written to a folder within the Guest's Logged On User's Temp Folder as in the following example "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\VMwareDnD\" and in a randomly generated folder beyond this as "00002f5a" for example. In other words if you D & D something from the Host's Desktop to the Guest's Desktop it is first written to the temporary folder structure before it is placed on the Guest Desktop.

A few years ago with Workstation 4.5 these temporary files where hardly ever deleted from this location and one was able to get the file(s) then. Sometimes when the D & D would fail the file would be in the folder but not where it was dragged to and while one would retrieve the file D & D typically would not work without rebooting the Virtual Machine then. Anyway the reason I'm mentioning this is for you to look in the target temp folder location on the off chance that the file might possibly exist however I have to say that the bug as it was in Workstation 4.5 does not appear to be an issue in Fusion 1.x although I have had it fail a couple of times and was able to get the file in the manner described however that now is the exception not the rule so don't be surprised it that folder structure is empty.

I would like to add the while D & D is a nice feature I only use it for small individual file mostly and if I need to move a large file or a lot of files/folders I move then through a Normal OS Network Share as I've found it to be more efficient and the later method retains extended file attributes where D & D tends to mess this up. I also use Normal OS Network Shares vs VMware Shared Folder feature as the latter also at times suffers from buggy problematic behavior as well.


Well, it occurs to me that I can't say with 100% certainty that the transfer completed successfully, I know that it completed without errors. Not the same thing, I know, but... yeah.

I went through the folder structure as you reccomended, but I only found one folder with a single file in it. Looks like I'm out of luck. Thanks, though!

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I'll assume you substituted the correct User Name for "Administrator" if you were not logged in on the Administrator account.

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Yeah, I was already logged in as the Admin.

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