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Fusion support for Snow Leopard - 10.6

Does Fusion 1.x run on Mac OS Snow Leopard developer version (10.6).... Is there any known issues....

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16 Replies

I haven't tried, but I would not expect 1.x (or 2.0b1) to work on Snow Leopard. We're keeping an eye on it, but it's also early in 10.6's lifecycle.

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I tested this already with 10.6 and 2.0 beta and my VMWare is crashed. Where can I send the crash information?

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I tested this already with 10.6 and 2.0 beta and my VMWare is crashed. Where can I send the crash information?

Here's fine. I filed bug 289250 for you.

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Considering that 10.6 seems to be under Apple's standard developer NDA (and possibly more than that), I'm fairly sure that nobody can legally tell you whether it works or not.

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The existence of 10.6 is not under NDA (Apple even has a page about it). I can't find a copy of the NDA, but I find it unlikely that simple yes/no third-party compatibility would be covered.

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Actually, I misspoke. It may not be illegal to discuss (depending on whether signed NDAs have laws to back them up in a given jurisdiction), but it would certainly get your seed key revoked if Apple found out.

The existence itself is public, yes, but historically, many things have been covered by the NDA for a given release. Normally, these include things such as benchmarks, debug files involving OS-level components, feature lists or descriptions, application compatibility, OS compatibility, new or changed APIs ... In short, the NDA normally says you can't discuss anything that Apple has not publicly disclosed, themselves.

Note that I do not have a seed key, but I've discussed them with people who do. They could have been lying to me, but I doubt it.

0 Kudos

Is the crash reproducible? How many virtual machines are you running - just this one or others as well?

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Actually, I misspoke. It may not be illegal to discuss (depending on whether signed NDAs have laws to back them up in a given jurisdiction), but it would certainly get your seed key revoked if Apple found out.

Sure, Apple can revoke your seed key whenever and for whatever reason they want.

The existence itself is public, yes, but historically, many things have been covered by the NDA for a given release. Normally, these include things such as benchmarks, debug files involving OS-level components, feature lists or descriptions, application compatibility, OS compatibility, new or changed APIs ... In short, the NDA normally says you can't discuss anything that Apple has not publicly disclosed, themselves.

Most of that makes sense to me, since it's either wildly subject to change or something that's a possible competitive advantage, but application compatibility is neither. Any update, major or not, can break third-party apps (e.g. 10.4.10, USB, and Fusion), so it's not like there's anything new there. It's advantageous for everyone if bugs can be fixed (or at least be known) before release. General communication with a third-party developer about that developer's products doesn't seem like it should violate the spirit of such an NDA, regardless of the letter.

Apple's legal department may of course not be reasonable, or I might be missing something. Apple can revoke your key regardless. macfoe should probably delete the attachment on the off chance that some sensitive information leaked into it. If other people want to report 10.6 crashes but don't want to use public channels, use the beta bug reporting form or email fusion-feedback.

Note that I do not have a seed key, but I've discussed them with people who do. They could have been lying to me, but I doubt it.

Disclaimer: I don't have a key either (AFAIK) and as always, these opinions are my own. I haven't talked to Legal or anyone else about them.

Edit: Unless the username is fake, I think suggests that talking about Fusion/10.6 compatibility (in general terms at least) is OK Smiley Happy

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Thank you for Support!

its only one so cm

It is always reproducible

update: I downloaded vm centos51 from vtm program. Same crash with this vm

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I've got a similar problem - my VMs will boot, but they are really unstable. Sometimes they will work for hours, sometimes they will kernel error every few minutes after booting up. Happens with XP and Vista VMs - doesn't seem to matter what config the VM has or what else is running in OS X. For me, the the only consistent way I have of reproducing the crash is to try installing a large app, or copy a large file. Even tried creating a new VM with IDE instead of SCSI drives and had exactly the same issue.

Any ideas to try would be most welcome Smiley Happy

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for build 10A286 of snow leopard, my virtual machines say "VMware Fusion cannot connect to the virtual machine" "Make sure you have rights to run the program and to access all directories it uses and rights to access all directories for temporary files."

sending support information via help-> collect support information.... (see attaached)

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I'm having similar problems with 10.6. Since I need to run visual studio on my mac I'm forced to use Parallels (which does work as well as Parallels can be expected to work). I'd MUCH prefer to be using VMWare so as soon as you guys fix this I'll be switching back.

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Two issues with 10.6 and VM 2.05 so far.

WHen I switch to my Bootcamp Windows XP VM partition using Spaces, often I do not get a responsive mouse. I generallly have to press the ESC key, or switch back to the Mac space before the mouse becomes active in the XP Space.

Also, the printer is wacky. I am using a printer attached to a Time Capsule, when I try to print from my VM side, it just spits out hex code for a bazillion pages.

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When running VMWare Fusion 2.06 on Snow Leopard (10.6.2) my macbook pro cashes frequently. Has anyone experienced similar issues?

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"crash" is a vague term. Do you mean a kernel panic? Do you mean a guest BSoD? Do you mean Fusion quits unexpectedly? Something else? These are all very different problems with different possible causes.

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Sorry, yes it was a Kernel Panic (Apple's version of the Blue Screen). This has happened at least a dozen times in the last month.

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