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Need help figuring out resolution options for retina iMac with Fusion 7

I recently upgraded to both a retina iMac as well as Fusion 7, hoping that they would play nice together, but so far I'm pretty disappointed.

I have tried every option I can see, but none of them produce a usable result. I'm hoping I'm missing something and someone can point me in the right direction. I have OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) and my guest OS is Windows 7.

- If I enable "Use full resolution" in Fusion and let Fusion automatically adjust resolution settings, I get a tiny window with tiny, unreadable text.  Fusion sets the text size to 150% but it's still too small (in all view modes)

- If I enable "Use full resolution" but un-check "automatically adjust" I can then set the text scaling to 200%, which produces nice legible text, but then I cannot move the mouse cursor out of the VM window without pressing Ctrl-CMD (which makes unity or full screen impossible to use), and the mouse tracking is off and does not work well.

- If I disable "Use full resolution" I get windows and text that look like the right size, but the text is blurry and causes eye strain.

So, please tell me I'm missing something and that there is a way to set up Fusion to get reasonably sized text that is crisp and legible?

Thank you

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5 Replies

I am suffering the exact same issue. Mine is compounded by the mouse pointer never being in an accurate position even after switching text scaling back to default. Its really unusable. My guest is win7 - tried with a few different VMs, all had same issue

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Anyone? On the old imac, if I dragged the Windows 7 window to fill the screen and restarted, ity remembered where it was. Now on the Retina imac with ver 7, it reverts on start or re-start to a tiny window with unreadable small text etc. Any workaround so you don't have to drag the window open each time?


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Massive issue. MBP 15,, fusion 7.1 and win7. Worked perfectly before yosemite/fusion7. Its absolutely unusable now.

By some fluke it worked just ok after a wile on 7.0.1, then when updated to 7.1 its back to useless.

only displays on max retina res, if you try and change the res in the guest its blurry and unusable. Both scale and use retina checkboxes are checked.

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Kept playing around with it, heaps of restarts and trying to set res. I ended up uncheck and recheck the Use Retina Display button in settings, causes a restart and its pretty good now. But it definitely doesnt become clear until you do this.

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It seems very difficult to get the right Retina setting on an imac. In any case no matter what I set, the window has to be manually stretched back to where I had it each boot. Never was like that before.

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