VMware Communities

No Bounce from Dock with Beta 4

If I minimize Fusion.. and then click on its application icon (with the black pointer arrow indicating it's open), then it doesn't bounce back up from the right of the 'apple application spring'.. instead the bounce only comes if I click on the minimized window between the 'apple applicatoin spring' and the 'trash can'..

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4 Replies
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I don't understand what you are saying. Could you walk me through it step by step?

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He's saying if you activate Fusion with the welcome screen minimized, it doesn't automatically unminimize when you click the dock icon for the app (not the dock icon for the minimized window).

Apple's apps make a point of always presenting a window when you click the dock icon -- take Safari for example. Clicking the dock icon will always result in a Safari window you can see. Even if Safari is already the foreground app. If there's no window open, it creates one. If the only window is minimized, it will be unminimized. We should do the same.

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I think Obeechi is saying that if a VM is minimized to the Dock and no other VMs exist, the expected behavior is for the VM to unminimize (see for example Safari, Firefox, Mail) when you switch back to Fusion by clicking on Fusion's Dock icon.

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Apple's apps make a point of always presenting a

window when you click the dock icon -- take Safari

for example. Clicking the dock icon will always

result in a Safari window you can see. Even if

Safari is already the foreground app. If there's no

window open, it creates one. If the only window is

minimized, it will be unminimized. We should do the


Actually, Safari seem to does not do the last one...if it is minimized in the dock and I select Safari, it does maximize the window. However, just realized that I am not sure whether I click on the dock item or cycle through the opened applications to switch to Safari...

Nonetheless, I agree with you...Fusion should behave the same...

Ciao, Andreas

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