VMware Communities

Resource Busy Error?


Any ideas? The partition is Vista Ultimate. Works fine in Bootcamp.

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6 Replies

Do you have more than one hard drive?

What's the output of "ls -l /Users/Kellic/Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/Virtual\ Machines/Boot\ Camp/%2Fdev%2Fdisk0/Boot\ Camp\ partition.vmwarevm/"?

Attach vmware.log and vmware-vmfusion.log?

0 Kudos

Never mind. I ran Onyx and permissions repair. It found a problem with EFI which is what I'm guessing was the problem.

PS- I was never able to upload any of my log files. Is there a problem with the forums?

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PS- I was never able to upload any of my log files.

Is there a problem with the forums?

I don't know, some people seem to be unable to attach files. Always works for me, though.

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This happens when Fusion can't unmount the Boot Camp partition because there are open files on it. In the future, simply try to unmount the partition and if it won't because it's in use, you can run the lsof command in Terminal to see what's using it, thus:

lsof | grep WINDOWS

('WINDOWS' is the name of the Boot Camp partition in my case. Use the appropriate name for you.)

This is what I got, I had Word open, reading a document that was on the partition

Word 300 lrivers 17u REG 14,3 46080 1119182 /Volumes/WINDOWS/Documents and Settings/lrivers/My Documents/Troux/Solutions/Innovation/Word Work File L_4

Word 300 lrivers 27u REG 14,3 64000 2917 /Volumes/WINDOWS/Documents and Settings/lrivers/My Documents/Troux/Solutions/Innovation/Word Work File L_62219789

Word 300 lrivers 28u REG 14,3 65536 16449 /Volumes/WINDOWS/Documents and Settings/lrivers/My Documents/Troux/Solutions/Innovation/Word Work File L_59346116

Word 300 lrivers 42u REG 14,3 38912 35691 /Volumes/WINDOWS/Documents and Settings/lrivers/My Documents/Troux/Solutions/Innovation/Innovation M&A Tannia Dobbins AMD 20070814.doc

0 Kudos

I'm getting this error as well. However, the apps using my windows disk (found out with a sudo lsof +D) don't feel like apps that should prevent it from unmounting; mds, fseventsd, ATSServer. It would be wonderful if VMWare could just tell these apps to get the hell off the Windows disk when it's to be virtualized.

(Today's weirdest:

ATSServer 206 nevyn txt REG 14,3 115068 1271778 /Volumes/WIZEI/WINDOWS.0/Fonts/lucon.ttf


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This is definitely bad behavior, but I doubt VMware can do anything about it. Just like no other OS X app can tell Fusion to close a file it has open, it works the same way. In the case of your fonts being open, I'm wondering if Font Book or something else is searching your system for font files?

A nice feature enhancement would be if VMware would perform an lsof for you and tell what files are opened by what apps, so at least you know who the offenders off. In the grand scheme of things, I think is probably a ways off.

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