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Solaris 8 + 9 networking not working anymore in rc1 ?


After the upgrade to rc1 I am not able to install Solaris 9 with the pcn network interfaces anymore. Even installing vmxnet from vmware tools (which are intended for Solaris 10, I know) do not work anymore .. but they used to work previously.

My Solaris 8 images do not boot anymore at all.

This remembers me to my initial experience with parallels which made me switch to vmware. Now I have exactly the same problem with vmware fusion.


It seems I am lost now ..


rm_check: top_realmem = 0x0 bot_realmem = 0x99ef0 overlap = 630512

prom_panic: memory soon to be hosed

Entering boot debugger:


You know how I could get Solaris 8 and 9 running propery again ?



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6 Replies

Creating and running Solaris 8 update 7 with workstation 6 on windows still makes no problems. Creating a clone on windows (doesn't matter if version 6 or 5 compatibility) and trying to start it with Fusion RC1 leads to the problem I described above.

comments welcome.



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Please file a bug[/url] about this and mention that it works on WS6. What hardware are you running WS6 on?

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WS6 is running on a WS1100 Sun Workstation with AMD Opteron CPU on Windows XP.

Thanks. I will file a bug.



The Solaris 9 networking problems:

Your Support Request Report Number is 192037371.

The Solaris 8 install and run issue:

Your Support Request Report Number is 192052284.


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WS6 is running on a WS1100 Sun Workstation with AMD

Opteron CPU on Windows XP.

Any chance you could try Solaris 8 on an Intel+WS6 to see if the boot problem is processor-specific? And to confirm, Solaris 8 was working for you at one point with Fusion (which beta)?

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I wanted to update this thread on the Solaris 8 problem - the answer is to have the guestOS set as "solaris8", not solaris9.

I'm not sure about the Solaris 9 networking problem.

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Changing guestOS to "solaris8" makes the boot error from Solaris 8 go away. But during my testing I was not able to use the pcn ethernet driver with Solaris 8 anymore. The behaviour looks identical to the problem I have with Solaris 9 since Fusion RC1.

During device identification Solaris 8 detects the PCI: AMD 79C970 PCnet Ethernet adapter but is not able to plumb the driver. Either by trying a new install or taking an older VM

Just curious is that I had \*one* Solaris 8 image (out of five) where the pcn driver was working after changing the guestOS value .. I have to look at that closer tomorrow and see what the difference is.


this working image also does not work anymore after reboot.

With guestOS = "solaris8" I can now boot. But I have networking

problems. I cannot plumb the pcn driver for the virtal AMD nic ..

trying to access the device with ifconfig returns ENXIO aka "no

such device or address"..

I tried to install Solaris 8u7 on a MacBook Pro and on a MacPro

==> same result.

i tried to run older images

==> same result

I tried to manually make the device accessible within Solaris

with devfsadm .. eiditing path_to_inst and driver_aliases but

no success. Solaris sees the hardware but the driver does not

wor anymore ...

Problem looks similar to the one I reported for Solaris 9 not

working with pcn innterface anymore. Regarding that Solaris 9

problem I have to look closer.

I just can tell that I had no such problems with the Fusion beta versions before Fusion RC1. And no problems with windows workstation 5 + 6 in combination with Solaris 8 + 9 ever.

best regards


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