VMware Communities

VMware Fusion 2.0 won't start because of a "missing" file that is actually there!

Well, as you can see by the title, I can't start my VMware anymore. I think this all stared when I upgraded from the 2.0 beta to the 2.0 final version. The client is "suspended" and and when I go to "resume" it I get this message: (also attached)


I then click to browse for the file, and I select the file that it is looking for. It then starts all over again! It acts like the file was moved or something (it wasn't) and then when I tell it where the file is, it just ignores me and refuse to move on!

I am NOT rebuilding this machine again, as this is the FORTH time and I am tired of having to call microsoft for hours trying to get a reactivation code!

Any help? PLEASE!


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14 Replies

I am NOT rebuilding this machine again, as this is the FORTH time and I am tired of having to call microsoft for hours trying to get a reactivation code!

What I'm about to say may not help you specifically at this moment however it's being said for the benefit of others that might read this thread too.

You know if you make a copy of the Virtual Machine Package after building it out and before using it you'd then be able to easily recover by replacing a defective Virtual Machine Package with a Known Good Virtual Machine Package if the problematic one cannot be repaired.

Also you should always power down, not suspend, from within the Guest OS when you're going to be upgrading.

Also when going from a Beta Version to a Release Version the Beta should be uninstalled and the Mac rebooted and then the Release Version installed.

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Well, as you can see by the title, I can't start my VMware anymore.

Okay, lets have a look the following... archive all of the vmware*.log files that are in the Virtual Machine Package and attach the to archive.zip to a reply post along with a directory listing of the Virtual Machine Package that contains filenames, date/time stamps and size. If you need help with the files have a look at the Virtual Machine Files section in . Note: Copy the archive .zip to your Desktop as it makes is easier to attach from there.

In a Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal) type cd followed by a space and then drag & drop the Virtual Machine Package onto the Terminal and press Enter then copy and paste the following command and attache the dir_list.txt file found on your Desktop after executing the command.

ls -al > ~/Desktop/dir_list.txt

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I was able to do everything you said up until the part when I open the terminal window and change the directory. I did what you said by typing "cd" then pressing the space bar, then draging and dropping "Archive.zip" from my desktop into the window. I do that then press enter, and the terminal says:

"-bash: cd: /Users/Scott/Desktop/Archive.zip: Not a directory"

What do I do now? I think I'm close in getting these files for you!


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I did what you said by typing "cd" then pressing the space bar, then draging and dropping "Archive.zip" from my desktop into the window.

I said "type cd followed by a space and then drag & drop the Virtual Machine Package onto the Terminal and press Enter"

This will then change directories to that of the target Virtual Machine Package at which point you "then copy and paste the following command..."

ls -al > ~/Desktop/dir_list.txt

Now I did leave out pressing Enter after the command however if you know that little about using a computer then I'm sorry but I cannot hold everybody's hand through every little minute detail that AFAIC if one uses a computer then one should know that if one says "after executing the command" that when in a Terminal this means pressing Enter after the command. Smiley Happy

Anyway thats create the "dir_list.txt file found on your Desktop after executing the command" that you attach along with the archive.zip file.

Understand? Smiley Happy

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Opps! My bad, I was trying to drag the log file ZIP into the terminal. After reading what you said the second time, now I see that I was draging the wrong thing! But I figured it out now.

I guess I can only attach 1 file, but I have 2 of them. So, the inside of the ZIP I attached, there is the directory file, and the other zip that has the log files.

Hope I got everything that you wanted! If not, let me know!


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I noticed this Virtual Machine is being run from "/Users/Shared/VMware Computers/Hp Desktop 9-4-08" so what is the User Account Name that when run from it produces the error?

The reason I'm asking is because if it's other then Scott it looks like it's a permissions issue.

Message was edited by: WoodyZ

If it is other then Scott then...

With Fusion closed then in a Terminal copy and paste the following command and then press Enter and then try running the Virtual Machine.

chmod a+rw /Users/Shared/VMware\ Computers/Hp\ Desktop\ 9-4-08/*.vmdk

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Originally....the first and second time I did this, I ran it from my user name, and kept all the files in my home folder. But there is another person that uses this computer, and they had problems running it because the stuff was on my username, and they had there own. So I got smart and moved everything to the "shared" folder so we could both use it (one at a time). By the third time I had to rebuild it, I put everything in the shared folder, and then did a get info and set all the permissions to read and write for the whole folder. I used it this way for many months until recently windows got a virus (I had anti viurs installed, but apparently it was not working...lol!) So I then re-did it all over again this last month, had to call Micro$oft for 2 hours to reactivate, and then this fourth time it was working for about the last 2 weeks just fine until a few days ago when it started do this.

Check the attachment for a "get info" of the folder.

-Update: I ran that line of text you wanted me to.....It didn't do anything. I still does not work. What was it suposed to do?

0 Kudos

-Update: I ran that line of text you wanted me to.....It didn't do anything. I still does not work. What was it suposed to do?

The command I had you execute was to set read/write privileges for everyone on the Virtual hard Drivers because if you look in the dir_list.txt I had you send some of the .vmdk's had only Scott permission to read/write.

You may want to check from Terminal that the permissions on the all of the .vmdk's is -rw-rw-rw-

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+ You may want to check from Terminal that the permissions on the all of the .vmdk's is -rw-rw-rw-+

How could I do that?

0 Kudos

bq. + You may want to check from Terminal that the permissions on the all of the .vmdk's is -rw-rw-rw-+

How could I do that?

In a Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal) type cd followed by a space and then drag & drop the Virtual Machine Package onto the Terminal and press Enter then copy and paste the following command and press Enter and then attach the dir_list2.txt file found on your Desktop after executing the command.

ls -al > ~/Desktop/dir_list2.txt

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Hmmm... looks like its not....

0 Kudos

Wait! I think I got closer! (or just messed it up even more)

When it asked for that first file (HP Deaktop 9-4-08-000008-s001.vmdk) this time I accidentally gave it "HP Deaktop 9-4-08-000008.vmdk" It then gave me that attacehd message.

Funny thing though...Now I got the "preview" of what my screen looked like from before the last time I shut it off! (before it was blank and the preview went away)

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Whats the problem? Why no responces?

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