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Windows 7 less slow on Fusion 3.1

My McBookPro running Windows 7 in Fusion 3.0.2 was extremely slow. I updated to Fusion 3.1 and W7 runs noticeably faster but still slower than it should. I have assigned 1 core and 1024 mb to it and I am running the most recent update to Snow Leopard.

What else can I try?

Thanks in advance.

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14 Replies

Open the Start menu in Win7 and right-click on Computer then select Properties. This should present your Windows Experience Index figure. Mine is 3.7 on a 1st gen Intel MacBookPro. I too have provided 1G of memory and 1 CPU to Windows. I have enabled 3D in Fusion settings.

Select the Performance Information and Tools link for more details on where your performance is lagging. Mine is video and I expect that. While you're in this screen select Adjust Visual Effects and select Adjust for Best Performance.

Recalculate your Windows Experience Index and see what you get.

And if you haven't done so yet, create a folder on your Windows desktop and name it "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" (without quotes). One of the best magic cookies ever found in Windows.

Edit: Forgot to paste in the special string to create the folder Smiley Wink

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Kudos to vmware folks on 3.1. I too have a MBP configured likewise, but my index is just 2. Must be the old GPU. But 3.1 runs perceptively faster, but still lags when i play video. I was curious about the GodMode folder...does that help performance? Cheers,


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The "GodMode" folder is just a vastly improved version of the control panel. It will be come obvious when you create and open the folder.

On your Windex score what was the resource with the lowest score?

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ha! my godfolder is just an empty one. Does nothing at all but open. The lowest score was on my display. I think it was 2. the rest where all 3+ or 4. Cheers!

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Thanks for GodMode. I love it.

However my fusion 3.1 virtual machine is still slow despite getting a 3.9 rating from Windows.

My MacBook Pro runs hot, the battery lasts less than half the usual time and my Windows clock (Windows 7 version) jumps every 6 seconds, 6 seconds at a time.

Windows tells me there is an issue with my graphic card. When I adjust its settings for maximum performance there is no noticeable improvement in speed but the quality of graphics declines noticeably. (i.e. no more Aero.)

I tried reinstalling Fusion 3.1 but it did not help. And by the way, vmware tools are installed.

Thanks for all replies.

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What video card do you have, how much ram on the host, and what else is running on the host?

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I have a -new for 2009- MacBook Pro 17. There are 4 GB of RAM and the video card is NVIDIA -I don't know exactly what model- with I believe 250 MB in it.

I am running Safari in the host usually.


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There's something odd going on. Can you create a new VM from scratch using easy install and see how it works? My new 15" i7 works great.

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I found the solution to my problem. While in W7 I started task manager with no apps running. It showed a CPU usage of 100%.

When I searched for the program using so many resources it was sidebar.exe. Note: I installed the sidebar with the clock similar to Vista. Sidebar.exe was using something like 97%. I deactivated it, mi sidebar disappeared and the CPU usage went to some 5% or so. My computer instantly became responsive and fast and there is no more overheating.

So the sidebar was interfering with Fusion. It is interesting that I have another Mas -iMac actually- running Fusion 3.1 and W7 with the sidebar in use but runs flawlesly. Go figure.

Thanks to all those who replied.

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Note: per this article about it, the GodMode folder can be called anything, not just GodMode, as long as you append the string ".{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" to the name, for example by calling the folder "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}".

0 Kudos

Note: per this article about it, the GodMode folder can be called anything, not just GodMode, as long as you append the string ".{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" to the name, for example by calling the folder "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}".


OMG! So that's what that folder is. It showed up on my MAC desktop and looked like a bug, as I did not make the connection until I read ur post here. I could not get rid of it, and was sure it was an Adobe Flash Virus or something:) as the folder shows up there as just ".ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C". Thx so much for pointing this out...and I guess Vmware folks have some looking into that to do...


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Note that there are lots of other such strings that make folders special in some way. This article has the complete list.

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My Windows 7 Experience has been AWESOME! So awesome in fact that I am ditching Parallels and making the switch.

2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo


500GB 7200 RPM Drive

Snow Leopard 10.6.3

1.6GB RAM Allocated to Windows 7

I actually took the time to reinstall a fresh copy of Snow Leopard and then Parallels and Fusion - and then Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit. Fusion definitely feel faster, and the Windows Experience Index' were pretty close (4.2 for Fusion and 4.1 for Parallels - Gaming Graphics). It would be nice to do a REAL video comparison side by side but I don't have the time or the resources.

Anyhow, I'm wondering if I'd see better performance from a 64-bit version of Windows 7. (I created a new thread)

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