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VMware Player 3.0 - Can VM be configured with different network adapter, otherthan Host network adapter?

I am trying to share my virtual machine with a friend over internet and was unable to configure (Host/VM/RG) successfully. My router/gateway shows my VM as inactive and can't connect to VM, even though I can access my VM on locally.

My setup is as follows:

Host: WinXP - SP3

- with two network adapters (Wired & Wireless) NICs. Only one NIC used.

- VMPlayer 3.0

Guest VM: TurnKey Linux

- Bridged Network Configuration

Currently, I am using only one NIC (Wireless) on my host. The VM is also using the same NIC. I was able to configure it as Bridged Network and connect to VM with in local network (including host).

Since, I am having problems with RG and have unused NIC, I would like to configure one NIC for on my host machine and configure the other NIC for my VM. Something like this,

Host: WinXP - SP3

- with Ethernet enabled & Wireless disabled

- VMPlayer 3.0

Guest VM: TurnKey Linux

- with Ethernet disabled & Wireless enabled

- What network configuration?

Is it possible? if so, how to do it?

Thanks for your help.


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2 Replies

the tool that you need to do this does not install with 3.0.0 - wait for next release.

there are two workarounds for this - see related post "vmetcfg.exe is missing"


VMX-parameters- VMware-liveCD - VM-Sickbay

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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continuum is correct, though there are possible workarounds (which I will provide if need be).

Thanks for posting this request, because it provides concrete fuel for the re-evaluation of the aforementioned decision.

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