VMware Communities

Bridge Two Host-only Networks

System info:  VMware Workstation v7.01build-261024 on Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

Is the following possible?

Two host-only networks.  One having servers (vmnet2), the other having client machines (vmnet3).  Then one device having an interface in each network (two interfaces create a software bridge). IP address for all servers and clients are in the network.  The bridge device does not have IP addresses assigned to its interfaces (it is sniffing traffic between clients and servers).  Clients can ping each other, but not servers.  Servers can ping each other, but not clients.

Is there a way to "wire" the two host-only networks together?

Thanks in advance for any ideas or assistance.

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2 Replies

Bridging is not possible, but routing is. As each VMnet is considered to be a IP subnet on its own only routing is possible.

You may want to try two client only (custom) (or one client only and one host-only) VMnet's without the host being involved. That could work, but I haven't tested that, yet.


vExpert 2009/10/11 [:o]===[o:] [: ]o=o[ :] = Save forests! rent firewood! =
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thats possible exactly as you describe it.

I have done it with a OpenBSD VM

vmnets used:

all server VMs have:

ethernet0.connectionType = "custom"

ethernet0.vnet = "vmnet5"

all client VMs have:

ethernet0.connectionType = "custom"
ethernet0.vnet = "vmnet6"

the OpenBSD VM has:

ethernet0.connectionType = "custom"
ethernet0.vnet = "vmnet5"

ethernet1.connectionType = "custom"

ethernet1.vnet = "vmnet6"

ethernet2.connectionType = "custom"

ethernet2.vnet = "vmnet5"

So internally the OpenBSD VM used
nic 1 = no ip
nic 2 = no ip
nic 3 = IP used for administration - this optional

nic 1 was transparently bridged to nic 2

just found a howto - this is for ESX but have a look

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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